Soil resistance during driving of offshore large-diameter open-ended thin-wall pipe piles driven into clay by impact hammers
To investigate soil resistance during driving (SRD) of large-diameter open-ended thin-
walled piles (LOTPs) installed in clay by impact drivers, a finite element method (FEM) …
walled piles (LOTPs) installed in clay by impact drivers, a finite element method (FEM) …
Recent advances and past discoveries on tapered pile foundations: A review
The growing tendency to study the behaviour of tapered piles in the last two decades has
made it necessary to gain a deeper insight into this specific kind of deep foundation …
made it necessary to gain a deeper insight into this specific kind of deep foundation …
Experimental study of axial behaviour of tapered piles
J Wei, MH El Naggar - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1998 - cdnsciencepub.com
Les pieux coniques qui ont une section en travers plus grande en tête qu'en pointe offrent
potentiellement des avantages de coûts substantiels pour les conditions de chargement …
potentiellement des avantages de coûts substantiels pour les conditions de chargement …
Evaluation of axial performance of tapered piles from centrifuge tests
MHE Naggar, M Sakr - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2000 - cdnsciencepub.com
La performance de pieux coniques sous un chargement en compression axiale a été
étudiée au moyen d'essais sur modèles en centrifuge. Des pieux d'essai coniques et …
étudiée au moyen d'essais sur modèles en centrifuge. Des pieux d'essai coniques et …
[HTML][HTML] Vertical bearing capacity of tapered piles in sands using cavity expansion theory
On the basis of the mechanism of tapered piles and evidence obtained from small scale
model tests, this paper proposes cylindrical and spherical cavity expansion theories to …
model tests, this paper proposes cylindrical and spherical cavity expansion theories to …
Torsional vibration of an end bearing pile embedded in radially inhomogeneous saturated soil
Z Li, Y Gao, K Wang - Computers and Geotechnics, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper is concerned with the torsional dynamic response of an end bearing pile
embedded in radially inhomogeneous saturated soil. The soil is simulated using Biot's two …
embedded in radially inhomogeneous saturated soil. The soil is simulated using Biot's two …
Axial response and material efficiency of tapered helical piles
abstract Different techniques have been proposed to increase the bearing capacity of open-
ended piles. Welding helices to the shaft and tapering the pile shaft could be used …
ended piles. Welding helices to the shaft and tapering the pile shaft could be used …
Axial behavior of tapered piles using cavity expansion theory
This paper presents a procedure for evaluating the load–displacement behavior of tapered
piles under static axial compressive loads. The response of tapered piles under elastic …
piles under static axial compressive loads. The response of tapered piles under elastic …
Axial capacity of tapered piles established from model tests
MH El Naggar, JQ Wei - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1999 - cdnsciencepub.com
À maints égards, les pieux coniques présentent une distribution plus efficiente du matériau
constituant le pieu que les pieux à section en travers constante. Un vaste programme de …
constituant le pieu que les pieux à section en travers constante. Un vaste programme de …
Field behaviour of screw micropiles subjected to axial loading in cohesive soils
Z Guo, L Deng - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018 - cdnsciencepub.com
Field tests of full-scale screw micropiles with a diameter varying from 76 to 114 mm and a
length varying from 1.6 to 3 m were undertaken to investigate the axial pile capacities, load …
length varying from 1.6 to 3 m were undertaken to investigate the axial pile capacities, load …