Pemetaan Tren Belajar Agama Melalui Media Sosial

SR Febriani, A Desrani - Jurnal Perspektif, 2021 -
Pembelajaran agama menjadi salah satu prinsip kehidupan yang tidak terlepas dari
aktivitas manusia. Pada umumnya pembelajaran agama memiliki berbagai strategi untuk …

The perception of millennial generation on religious moderation through social media in the digital era

SR Febriani, AW Ritonga - Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 2022 -
The phenomenon of learning religion through social media is rife among the millennial
generation. This is an opportunity for the internalization of religious moderation in the …

Fundamentals in crafting research and community service articles

DS Hasan, SS Sangadji - SCIENTIA …, 2024 -
The creation of research and community service articles is essential for advancing
knowledge and societal development, serving as pillars in academia and community …

Exploration of Trends in Religious Moderation Values in Islamic Boarding Schools: A Systematic Literature Review

BF Asy'arie, A Muttaqin… - Borneo Journal of Islamic …, 2024 -
This research aims to determine and analyze the concept of Religious Moderation values​​
in the Islamic Boarding School environment and how these values​​ are applied in the …

[PDF][PDF] Harmoni Dalam Keanekaragaman: Upaya Membangun Moderasi Beragama di Desa Susupu Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

MAH Din, M Rafa'al - BARAKTI …, 2023 -
Muncul gerakan keagamaan yang radikal, tidak moderat, adalah refleksi dari ketidakpuasan
atas keadaaan kebangsaan kita. Radikal tentu dilatari banyak hal, faktor utamanya adalah …

Pendidikan Moderasi Beragama Melalui Kajian Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Moderat di Rumah Belajar Serambi Jombang

TW Ramdhan, S Saifuddin… - Dharma: Jurnal …, 2023 -
This service activity departs from the general theory that violence in the name of religion
stems from an exclusive and intolerant understanding of religion that deserves attention and …

Implementation of AIK and Arabic Language in Supporting the Realization of Wasathiyyah Islam at PTMA in Indonesia

M Ritonga, AW Ritonga, A Desrani - … : Studi Kependidikan Dan …, 2023 -
Indonesia consists of various tribes, religions, RAS, and groups. Standing above all groups
is an effort to maintain the stability of peace and brotherhood between communities (Rafa'al …

Workshop dan Sosialisasi Pembuatan Blog Sebagai Media Knowledge Sharing di SMK N 1 Sumbar

M Fransisca, RP Saputri… - Jubaedah: Jurnal …, 2021 -
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ditujukan pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan,
dan dengan menggunakan metode random sampling dipilih SMKN 1 SUMBAR sebagai …

Religious Moderation Education in the Serambi Jombang Learning House Through the Study of The Interpretation of Moderate Verses

TW Ramdhan, S Saifuddin… - … dan Pranata Islam, 2023 -
Basic tenet that religiously motivated violence results from a narrow and intolerable
interpretation of religion that has to be addressed and, as much as possible, restrained from …

Implementasi Moderasi Beragama pada Ekstrakulikuler Rohani Islam di Satuan Pendidikan

RN Anwar, I Winanda, CS Febrianti… - Ideas: Jurnal …, 2024 -
Indonesia is a country that is rich in ethnic, cultural, tribal, racial and religious diversity.
Diversity must be maintained to create harmony in every society, including Islamic Spiritual …