Speedup potential of climate-based daylight modelling on GPUs

L Jones, CF Reinhart - Building Simulation 2017, 2017 - publications.ibpsa.org
Architects must consider an entire year's worth of solar positions and climate data to design
buildings with adequate daylight and minimal glare. However, annual simulations are time …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a Software Transactional Memory for Graphics Processors.

D Cederman, P Tsigas, MT Chaudhry - EGPGV@ Eurographics, 2010 - par.univie.ac.at
The introduction of general purpose computing on many-core graphics processor systems,
and the general shift in the industry towards parallelism, has created a demand for ease of …

Validated interactive daylighting analysis for architectural design

NL Jones - 2017 - dspace.mit.edu
The conventional approach to predicting interior illumination and visual discomfort in
buildings is to run a ray tracing simulation with high accuracy settings, wait while the …

Formal analysis of GPU programs with atomics via conflict-directed delay-bounding

WF Chiang, G Gopalakrishnan, G Li… - NASA Formal Methods …, 2013 - Springer
GPU based computing has made significant strides in recent years. Unfortunately, GPU
program optimizations can introduce subtle concurrency errors, and so incisive formal bug …

[PDF][PDF] Physically based global illumination calculation using graphics hardware

NL Jones, CF Reinhart - … of eSim 2014: The Canadian Conference …, 2014 - researchgate.net
This paper examines the feasibility of implementing core algorithms from Radiance using a
new type ray tracing engine optimized for highly parallel graphics hardware environments. It …

[PDF][PDF] Irradiance caching for global illumination calculation on graphics hardware

NL Jones, CF Reinhart - Ashrae/Simbuild, 2014 - stuff.mit.edu
Recent developments in integrated circuit technology tend toward increased numbers of
cores rather than faster clock speeds, so software must use parallelism to achieve faster run …

Parallel Irradiance Caching for Interactive Monte‐Carlo Direct Volume Rendering

R Khlebnikov, P Voglreiter… - Computer Graphics …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We propose a technique to build the irradiance cache for isotropic scattering simultaneously
with Monte Carlo progressive direct volume rendering on a single GPU, which allows us to …

Parallel Multiple‐Bounce Irradiance Caching

NL Jones, CF Reinhart - Computer Graphics Forum, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Building designers rely on predictive rendering techniques to design naturally and artificially
lit environments. However, despite decades of work on the correctness of global illumination …

Методы решения проблемы глобальной освещенности на графических процессорах

ВА Фролов - Автореф. дисс.... к. ф.-м. н. М, 2015 - static.freereferats.ru
Актуальность работы Проблема глобальной освещенности возникает при решении
широкого круга задач проектирования, оптического моделирования, компьютерной …

Окто-деревья со множественными ссылками в применении к реализации фотонных карт и кэша освещенности на GPU

ВА Фролов, АА Харламов, ВА Галактионов… - …, 2014 - elibrary.ru
В данной статье предлагается эффективный и исключительно простой алгоритм
построения окто-дерева со множественными ссылками на графических процессорах …