Speedup potential of climate-based daylight modelling on GPUs
L Jones, CF Reinhart - Building Simulation 2017, 2017 - publications.ibpsa.org
Architects must consider an entire year's worth of solar positions and climate data to design
buildings with adequate daylight and minimal glare. However, annual simulations are time …
buildings with adequate daylight and minimal glare. However, annual simulations are time …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a Software Transactional Memory for Graphics Processors.
The introduction of general purpose computing on many-core graphics processor systems,
and the general shift in the industry towards parallelism, has created a demand for ease of …
and the general shift in the industry towards parallelism, has created a demand for ease of …
Validated interactive daylighting analysis for architectural design
NL Jones - 2017 - dspace.mit.edu
The conventional approach to predicting interior illumination and visual discomfort in
buildings is to run a ray tracing simulation with high accuracy settings, wait while the …
buildings is to run a ray tracing simulation with high accuracy settings, wait while the …
Formal analysis of GPU programs with atomics via conflict-directed delay-bounding
GPU based computing has made significant strides in recent years. Unfortunately, GPU
program optimizations can introduce subtle concurrency errors, and so incisive formal bug …
program optimizations can introduce subtle concurrency errors, and so incisive formal bug …
[PDF][PDF] Physically based global illumination calculation using graphics hardware
This paper examines the feasibility of implementing core algorithms from Radiance using a
new type ray tracing engine optimized for highly parallel graphics hardware environments. It …
new type ray tracing engine optimized for highly parallel graphics hardware environments. It …
[PDF][PDF] Irradiance caching for global illumination calculation on graphics hardware
Recent developments in integrated circuit technology tend toward increased numbers of
cores rather than faster clock speeds, so software must use parallelism to achieve faster run …
cores rather than faster clock speeds, so software must use parallelism to achieve faster run …
Parallel Irradiance Caching for Interactive Monte‐Carlo Direct Volume Rendering
R Khlebnikov, P Voglreiter… - Computer Graphics …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We propose a technique to build the irradiance cache for isotropic scattering simultaneously
with Monte Carlo progressive direct volume rendering on a single GPU, which allows us to …
with Monte Carlo progressive direct volume rendering on a single GPU, which allows us to …
Parallel Multiple‐Bounce Irradiance Caching
Building designers rely on predictive rendering techniques to design naturally and artificially
lit environments. However, despite decades of work on the correctness of global illumination …
lit environments. However, despite decades of work on the correctness of global illumination …
Методы решения проблемы глобальной освещенности на графических процессорах
ВА Фролов - Автореф. дисс.... к. ф.-м. н. М, 2015 - static.freereferats.ru
Актуальность работы Проблема глобальной освещенности возникает при решении
широкого круга задач проектирования, оптического моделирования, компьютерной …
широкого круга задач проектирования, оптического моделирования, компьютерной …
Окто-деревья со множественными ссылками в применении к реализации фотонных карт и кэша освещенности на GPU
ВА Фролов, АА Харламов, ВА Галактионов… - …, 2014 - elibrary.ru
В данной статье предлагается эффективный и исключительно простой алгоритм
построения окто-дерева со множественными ссылками на графических процессорах …
построения окто-дерева со множественными ссылками на графических процессорах …