Learning Bayesian networks: approaches and issues

R Daly, Q Shen, S Aitken - The knowledge engineering review, 2011 - cambridge.org
Bayesian networks have become a widely used method in the modelling of uncertain
knowledge. Owing to the difficulty domain experts have in specifying them, techniques that …

Leak prediction model for water distribution networks created using a Bayesian network learning approach

SS Leu, QN Bui - Water resources management, 2016 - Springer
Water leakage in water distribution systems (WDSs) can bring various negative economic,
environmental, and safety effects. Therefore, predicting water leakage is one of the most …

Dealing with irregular data in soft sensors: Bayesian method and comparative study

S Khatibisepehr, B Huang - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry …, 2008 - ACS Publications
The main challenge in develo** soft sensors in process industry is the existence of
irregularity of data, such as measurement noises, outliers, and missing data. This paper is …

A review of modeling techniques for genetic regulatory networks

H Yaghoobi, S Haghipour, H Hamzeiy… - Journal of Medical …, 2012 - journals.lww.com
Understanding the genetic regulatory networks, the discovery of interactions between genes
and understanding regulatory processes in a cell at the gene level are the major goals of …

Learning Bayesian networks with incomplete data by augmentation

T Adel, C de Campos - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2017 - ojs.aaai.org
We present new algorithms for learning Bayesian networks from data with missing values
using a data augmentation approach. An exact Bayesian network learning algorithm is …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring factors that affect performance on introductory programming courses

K Longi - Unpublished master's thesis). Department of Computer …, 2016 - helda.helsinki.fi
Researchers have long attempted to identify factors that could explain why learning to
program is easier for some than the others. That is, the goal has been to determine what …

A global structural EM algorithm for a model of cancer progression

A Tofigh, E Sj̦lund, M H̦glund… - Advances in neural …, 2011 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Cancer has complex patterns of progression that include converging as well as diverging
progressional pathways. Vogelstein's path model of colon cancer was a pioneering …

Learning Bayesian network equivalence classes from incomplete data

H Borchani, N Ben Amor, K Mellouli - International Conference on …, 2006 - Springer
This paper proposes a new method, named Greedy Equivalence Search-Expectation
Maximization (GES-EM), for learning Bayesian networks from incomplete data. Our method …