High-order Van Hove singularities and their connection to flat bands

L Classen, JJ Betouras - Annual Review of Condensed Matter …, 2024 - annualreviews.org
The flattening of single-particle band structures plays an important role in the quest for novel
quantum states of matter owing to the crucial role of interactions. Recent advances in theory …

Kondo lattice model of magic-angle twisted-bilayer graphene: Hund's rule, local-moment fluctuations, and low-energy effective theory

H Hu, BA Bernevig, AM Tsvelik - Physical review letters, 2023 - APS
We apply a generalized Schrieffer-Wolff transformation to the extended Anderson-like
topological heavy fermion (THF) model for the magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer …

Thermometry of strongly correlated fermionic quantum systems using impurity probes

G Mihailescu, S Campbell, AK Mitchell - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
We study quantum-impurity models as a platform for quantum thermometry. A single
quantum spin-1 2 impurity is coupled to an explicit, structured, fermionic thermal sample …

Scaling theory of intrinsic Kondo and Hund's rule interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

YZ Chou, S Das Sarma - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Motivated by the recent studies of intrinsic local moments and Kondo-driven phases in
magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, we investigate the renormalization of Kondo coupling …

Pair density wave and superconductivity in a strongly coupled lightly doped Kondo insulator

F Liu, Z Han - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We investigate the large Kondo coupling limit of the Kondo-Heisenberg model on one-and
two-dimensional lattices. Focusing on the possible superconducting states when slightly …

Arbitrary order transfer matrix exceptional points and van hove singularities

M Saha, BK Agarwalla, M Kulkarni, A Purkayastha - Physical Review B, 2025 - APS
In lattice models with quadratic finite-range Hermitian Hamiltonians, the inherently non-
Hermitian transfer matrix (TM) governs the band dispersion. The van Hove singularities …

Moir\'{e} optical phonons dancing with heavy electrons in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

H Shi, W Miao, X Dai - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.11824, 2024 - arxiv.org
Electron-phonon coupling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene is an important but
difficult topic. We propose a scheme to simplify and understand this problem. Weighted by …

Vacancy-induced tunable Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene

Y Chang, J Yi, AK Wu, FB Kugler, EY Andrei… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
In single sheets of graphene, vacancy-induced states have been shown to host an effective
spin-1/2 hole that can be Kondo screened at low temperatures. Here, we show how these …

Nonequilibrium steady-state thermoelectrics of Kondo-correlated quantum dots

A Manaparambil, A Weichselbaum, J von Delft… - Physical Review B, 2025 - APS
The transport across a Kondo-correlated quantum dot coupled to two leads with
independent temperatures and chemical potentials is studied using a controlled …

Phase transition related thermal radiation in gated bilayer graphene

WW **e, YM Zhang, ZP Niu - Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The presence of interlayer potential, Rashba spin–orbit coupling and exchange field in
bilayer graphene leads to a topological phase transition. We theoretically calculate the …