Impact of service quality of low-cost carriers on airline image and consumers' satisfaction and loyalty during the COVID-19 outbreak
Low-cost carriers (LCCs) in Saudi Arabia operate in a competitive, highly demanding
environment. Customer-related attributes may be influenced by the levels of service quality …
environment. Customer-related attributes may be influenced by the levels of service quality …
Analyzing service quality of domestic airlines in an emerging country-Bangladesh by structural equation models
F Rahman, MM Rahman - Journal of Air Transport Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Nowadays, air travel has become an important transportation in life. Travel by airline helps
to save time and shorter the distance to travel from one place to another. Offering a better …
to save time and shorter the distance to travel from one place to another. Offering a better …
Service quality gap in Ethiopia: expected and perceived services in the public sector
BA Siyum - Cogent Social Sciences, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The SERVQUAL model is a commonly used tool for evaluating service quality in public and
private sector organizations. It was applied to evaluate the quality of service in the public …
private sector organizations. It was applied to evaluate the quality of service in the public …
Distribution of Advertisement on Instagram in Relation to Satisfaction and Loyalty of Low-Cost Airline Passengers in Indonesia
B Fatimah Febriyanti, M Aras… - Journal of Distribution …, 2023 - koreascience.kr
Purpose: Low-Cost Carrier airlines attempt to provide the best service for their customers.
However, the pandemic has forced airline companies to keep develo** new strategies …
However, the pandemic has forced airline companies to keep develo** new strategies …
Havayolu İşletmelerinde Hizmet Kalitesi Göstergelerinin Ağırlıklandırılmış Yorumlayıcı Yapısal Modelleme ile Değerlendirilmesi
T Yomralıoğlu, ZÇ Ük - Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler …, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Çalışmada havayolu işletmelerinde hizmet kalitesi göstergeleri arasındaki ilişkinin
tanımlanması, ilişkilerin uzman görüşleri neticesinde özgün bir modelle (W-ISM) …
tanımlanması, ilişkilerin uzman görüşleri neticesinde özgün bir modelle (W-ISM) …
Service Quality of Airlines and Satisfaction of Passengers: An Empirical Study
R Roy, K Adhikari - Srusti Management Review, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Indian aviation industry has transformed significantly, transitioning from centrally regulated
sector to more liberalized one. Studying service quality is important for continuously …
sector to more liberalized one. Studying service quality is important for continuously …
Diseño de una propuesta de medición y seguimiento del nivel de servicio al cliente en los restaurantes tipo gourmet y de especialidad de la ciudad de Cali
D Pazos Rojas, RE Vanegas Sánchez - 2021 - red.uao.edu.co
Resumen en español Debido a la crecientemente demanda de situaciones más
innovadores y emocionantes por partes de los consumidores, la Gestión de la Experiencia …
innovadores y emocionantes por partes de los consumidores, la Gestión de la Experiencia …
The Role of Low Cost Carriers in the Development of Tourist Regions in Egypt
KA Mohamed, MH Mahmoud… - International Journal of …, 2023 - journals.ekb.eg
The aim of the study is to identify the economic airlines and present their impact on the
tourist regions in some different countries of the world, and to review the current situation of …
tourist regions in some different countries of the world, and to review the current situation of …
Hava Yolu Yolcu Taşımacılığı Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Tatmini ve Ağızdan Ağıza Iletişim Uzerindeki Etkisi: Covid-19 Pandemi Döneminde Bir Araştırma
S Avgan - 2022 - search.proquest.com
COVID-19 pandemisi insan sağlığının yanı sıra dünyada birçok sektörü etkilemiştir. Hava
yolu taşımacılığı, sokağa çıkma sınırlamaları ve ülkeler arası geçişlerin durdurulmasıyla …
yolu taşımacılığı, sokağa çıkma sınırlamaları ve ülkeler arası geçişlerin durdurulmasıyla …
How Managers of Nonfranchised Restaurants Use Training to Improve Customer Satisfaction
WT Graves - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Customer satisfaction is a factor that significantly influences profits and overall business
success. Understanding the dynamics of customer satisfaction and its relationship to profits …
success. Understanding the dynamics of customer satisfaction and its relationship to profits …