Combined effects of hydrostatic pressure and electric field on the donor binding energy, polarizability, and photoionization cross-section in double GaAs/GaAlAs …
The present work focuses on the theoretical calculations of the ground-state binding energy
of a shallow impurity, the impurity-related photoionization cross-section (PICS), and impurity …
of a shallow impurity, the impurity-related photoionization cross-section (PICS), and impurity …
The influence of the electric and magnetic fields on donor impurity electronic states and optical absorption coefficients in a core/shell GaAs/AlGaAs ellipsoidal …
The lowest five energies levels (ELs) and optical absorption coefficient (OAC) of confined
donor in a core/shell ellipsoidal quantum dot were theoretically investigated under the …
donor in a core/shell ellipsoidal quantum dot were theoretically investigated under the …
The impact of the electric field on the photoionization cross section, polarizability, and donor impurity binding energy in multilayered spherical quantum dot
In the present paper, we look at how the applied electric field (EF) and structure sizes affect
the shallow donor impurity binding energy (E b), polarizability (P α) and photoionization …
the shallow donor impurity binding energy (E b), polarizability (P α) and photoionization …
Effect of impurity position and electric field on the optical absorption coefficients and oscillator strength in spherical multilayer quantum dot
In this paper, in the effective mass approximation, we have investigated the effects of the
impurity position, external electric field, and the structure sizes on the linear, third-order …
impurity position, external electric field, and the structure sizes on the linear, third-order …
Investigation of nonlinear optical rectification within multilayer wurtzite InGaN/GaN cylindrical quantum dots under the impact of temperature and pressure
We have looked numerically at variations of the nonlinear optical rectification (NOR) for an
impurity donor localized in a wurtzite In x 0 Ga 1− x 0 N/GaN multilayer cylindrical quantum …
impurity donor localized in a wurtzite In x 0 Ga 1− x 0 N/GaN multilayer cylindrical quantum …
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of CdSe/ZnTe core/shell nanostructures with screened modified Kratzer potential
In this work, we have theoretically examined the linear, nonlinear and total refractive index
changes (RICs) and optical absorption coefficients (OACs) between the ground (1 s) and the …
changes (RICs) and optical absorption coefficients (OACs) between the ground (1 s) and the …
The nonlinear optical rectification and second harmonic generation of a single electron confined in a multilayer spherical quantum dot
In the present paper, we have performed a theoretical investigation of the influence of the
Kratzer potential on the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient and the second harmonic …
Kratzer potential on the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient and the second harmonic …
Pressure, temperature and electric field effects on the photoionization cross section in a multilayered spherical quantum dot
In this paper, within the effective mass approximation and by using the finite element
method, we have studied the photoionization cross section (PCS) and the binding energy of …
method, we have studied the photoionization cross section (PCS) and the binding energy of …
Finite element analysis of multilayered spherical quantum dots: Effects of layer dimensions, alloy composition, and relaxation time on the linear and nonlinear optical …
This study delves into the optical characteristics of multilayered spherical quantum dots
(MLSQDs). By employing the finite element method, we systematically explore the impact of …
(MLSQDs). By employing the finite element method, we systematically explore the impact of …
Intrasubband-related linear and nonlinear optical absorption in single, double and triple QW: the compositions, temperature and QW's number effects
This paper exhibits a numerical simulation study of the 1s→ 2p ISB-related linear and
nonlinear optical absorption in single, double, and triple QWs considering the effects of the …
nonlinear optical absorption in single, double, and triple QWs considering the effects of the …