Vulnerable options in supply chains: Effects of supplier competition

V Babich - Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Concerned with the risk of supplier default, a firm may choose to diversify its orders among
multiple suppliers. Furthermore, the discrepancy in production lead‐times among suppliers …

Equilibrium forward contracts on nonstorable commodities in the presence of market power

L Dong, H Liu - Operations Research, 2007 -
Bilateral supply contracts are widely used despite the presence of spot markets. In this
paper, we provide a potential explanation for this prevalence of supply contracts even when …

Media revenue management with audience uncertainty: Balancing upfront and spot market sales

VF Araman, I Popescu - Manufacturing & Service Operations …, 2010 -
An important challenge faced by media broadcasting companies is how to allocate limited
advertising space between upfront (forward) contracts and the spot market (referred to in …

Optimal inventory control and design refresh selection in managing part obsolescence

Z Shi, S Liu - European Journal of Operational Research, 2020 - Elsevier
We study a joint decision making of part inventory control and product design refresh
planning for a manufacturer facing the part obsolescence problem, whereby the supply of a …

Regulatory trade risk and supply chain strategy

Y Wang, W Gilland, B Tomlin - Production and Operations …, 2011 -
Trade regulations are an important driver of supply chain strategy in many industries. For
example, the textile, paper, chemical, and steel industries grapple with significant levels of …

Optimal product substitution and dual sourcing strategy considering reliability of production lines

D Wu, M Gong, R Peng, X Yan, S Wu - Reliability Engineering & System …, 2020 - Elsevier
Most of the supply chain literature assumes that product substitution is an effective method to
mitigate supply chain disruptions and that all production lines either survive or are disrupted …

The value of flexibility in make-to-order systems: The effect of demand correlation

J Chod, D Pyke, N Rudi - Operations research, 2010 -
We consider a manufacturer of mass-customized modular products who orders components
under demand uncertainty, and sets prices, produces to order, and trades excess …

Managing an integrated production and inventory system selling to a dual market: Long-term and walk-in

M Elhafsi, E Hamouda - European Journal of Operational Research, 2018 - Elsevier
We consider a manufacturer selling a product through two markets: long-term and walk-in.
The walk-in demand is dynamically priced in response to market conditions while the long …

Dynamic coordination of production planning and sales admission control in the presence of a spot market

Y Feng, Z Pang - Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We consider the decision‐making problem of dynamically scheduling the production of a
single make‐to stock (MTS) product in connection with the product's concurrent sales in a …

A dynamic pricing model for coordinated sales and operations

M Fleischmann, J Hall, D Pyke - 2005 -
Recent years have seen advances in research and management practice in the area of
pricing, and particularly in dynamic pricing and revenue management. At the same time …