CTFS‐Forest GEO: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change
Global change is impacting forests worldwide, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem
services including climate regulation. Understanding how forests respond is critical to forest …
services including climate regulation. Understanding how forests respond is critical to forest …
Spatial point-pattern analysis as a powerful tool in identifying pattern-process relationships in plant ecology: an updated review
M Ben-Said - Ecological Processes, 2021 - Springer
Background Ecological processes such as seedling establishment, biotic interactions, and
mortality can leave footprints on species spatial structure that can be detectable through …
mortality can leave footprints on species spatial structure that can be detectable through …
Global importance of large‐diameter trees
Aim To examine the contribution of large‐diameter trees to biomass, stand structure, and
species richness across forest biomes. Location Global. Time period Early 21st century …
species richness across forest biomes. Location Global. Time period Early 21st century …
Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale
Theory predicts that higher biodiversity in the tropics is maintained by specialized
interactions among plants and their natural enemies that result in conspecific negative …
interactions among plants and their natural enemies that result in conspecific negative …
Half-century evidence from western Canada shows forest dynamics are primarily driven by competition followed by climate
Tree mortality, growth, and recruitment are essential components of forest dynamics and
resiliency, for which there is great concern as climate change progresses at high latitudes …
resiliency, for which there is great concern as climate change progresses at high latitudes …
Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees
Climate is widely recognised as an important determinant of the latitudinal diversity gradient.
However, most existing studies make no distinction between direct and indirect effects of …
However, most existing studies make no distinction between direct and indirect effects of …
Spatial aspects of tree mortality strongly differ between young and old‐growth forests
Rates and spatial patterns of tree mortality are predicted to change during forest structural
development. In young forests, mortality should be primarily density dependent due to …
development. In young forests, mortality should be primarily density dependent due to …
Climate extremes may be more important than climate means when predicting species range shifts
It is well known that temperatures across the globe are rising, but climatic conditions are
becoming more variable as well. Forecasts of species range shifts, however, often focus on …
becoming more variable as well. Forecasts of species range shifts, however, often focus on …
The effect of tree size, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest
Aims Understanding the controls influencing tree growth is central to forest ecology.
Although many factors such as tree size, neighborhood competition and environmental …
Although many factors such as tree size, neighborhood competition and environmental …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial distribution and species association of dominant tree species in Huangguan Plot of Qinling Mountains, China
The spatial distribution pattern and population structure of trees are shaped by multiple
processes, such as species characteristics, environmental factors, and intraspecific and …
processes, such as species characteristics, environmental factors, and intraspecific and …