Current application of seaweed waste for composting and biochar: A review
To address the origins of ocean acidification, seaweed aquaculture is emerging as a key
biosequestration strategy. Nevertheless, seaweed biomass is involved in develo** food …
biosequestration strategy. Nevertheless, seaweed biomass is involved in develo** food …
A state-of-the-art review on dual purpose seaweeds utilization for wastewater treatment and crude bio-oil production
S Wang, S Zhao, BB Uzoe**wa, A Zheng… - Energy Conversion and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Due to the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuels and the increasing global energy
demands, biofuels are receiving increasing attention as the best short-term substitute for …
demands, biofuels are receiving increasing attention as the best short-term substitute for …
An overview of marine macroalgae as bioresource
Environmental, economic and political pressures have driven the interest towards the search
of sustainable feedstock for biofuel production. At present, macroalgae (green, brown and …
of sustainable feedstock for biofuel production. At present, macroalgae (green, brown and …
In-depth study of bio-oil and biochar production from macroalgae Sargassum sp. via slow pyrolysis
Sargassum is undoubtedly one of the most predominant brown macroalgae, posing a
significant disposal problem for coastal areas worldwide. The effective valorization of …
significant disposal problem for coastal areas worldwide. The effective valorization of …
Activation strategies for biochar to use as an efficient catalyst in various applications
Microalgae and macroalgae are known for their use in food and fuel applications. Recently,
tremendous interest on algal biomass for biochar production has been increased. Biochar …
tremendous interest on algal biomass for biochar production has been increased. Biochar …
Biomass composition of the golden tide pelagic seaweeds Sargassum fluitans and S. natans (morphotypes I and VIII) to inform valorisation pathways
D Davis, R Simister, S Campbell, M Marston… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Massive strandings of the pelagic brown algae Sargassum have occurred in the Caribbean,
and to a lesser extent, in western Africa, almost every year since 2011. These events have …
and to a lesser extent, in western Africa, almost every year since 2011. These events have …
Pyrolysis of high-ash sewage sludge: Thermo-kinetic study using TGA and artificial neural networks
Pyrolysis of high-ash sewage sludge (HASS) is a considered as an effective method and a
promising way for energy production from solid waste of wastewater treatment facilities. The …
promising way for energy production from solid waste of wastewater treatment facilities. The …
The impact of heating rate on the decomposition kinetics and product distribution of algal waste pyrolysis with in-situ weight measurement
Converting algal biomass to clean energy via a thermochemical pathway is an emerging
technique for tackling environment and energy issues. Traditional kinetic studies on biomass …
technique for tackling environment and energy issues. Traditional kinetic studies on biomass …
Conversion of solid wastes and natural biomass for deciphering the valorization of biochar in pollution abatement: A review on the thermo-chemical processes
This overview addresses the formation of solid trash and the various forms of waste from a
variety of industries, which environmentalists have embraced. The paper investigates the …
variety of industries, which environmentalists have embraced. The paper investigates the …
Evolution of the functional groups/structures of biochar and heteroatoms during the pyrolysis of seaweed
Pyrolysis temperature is one of the main parameters affecting the properties of biochar and
the composition of bio-oil during the pyrolysis of aquatic biomass such as seaweed. In this …
the composition of bio-oil during the pyrolysis of aquatic biomass such as seaweed. In this …