[PDF][PDF] Measuring the critical effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in food and beverage products

SA Sudari, AK Tarofder, A Khatibi… - Management Science …, 2019‏ - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
In this era, information technology is develo** rapidly which makes competition tighter.
Companies should arrange marketing mix well in order to be able to attract customers and …

[PDF][PDF] The Effect of Marketing Mix (7Ps') on Tourists' Satisfaction: A Study on Cumilla

MM Hasan, MF Islam - The Cost and Management, 2020‏ - academia.edu
Tourism is a fast growing and multidimensional industry and it becomes an increasingly
important sector in Bangladesh. The main intent of this study is to examine the effect of …

Creating customer satisfaction to customer loyalty: The role of service quality in every'Moment of Truth'

F Dwita, L Agustine - Business and Entrepreneurial Review, 2023‏ - e-journal.trisakti.ac.id
This study aims to examine a model that evaluates the relationship between the moment of
truth, service quality, and customer satisfaction on loyalty. This research was conducted at …

Pengaruh service quality terhadap satisfaction dan customer loyalty Koperasi Dadirah di Dili Timor-Leste

D Pereira, IGK Giantari, IPG Sukaatmadja - E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis …, 2016‏ - neliti.com
Kualitas layanan merupakan suatu sikap dan perilaku seseorang dalam memberikan
pelayanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan konsumen yang dilayani …

Linking of service quality and switching costs with turnover intentions: The mediating role of customer loyalty

M Zakiy, M Haryanto - 4th International Conference on …, 2021‏ - atlantis-press.com
Abstract The development of Sharia Banks in Indonesia was exceedingly rejoicing in the
early years of the establishment of the first Sharia bank, Bank Mumalat Indonesia, in 1992 …

The moderating effect of switching cost on the influence of price and service quality towards switching intention

M Zakiy - … Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019–Humanity …, 2019‏ - atlantis-press.com
This study aims to identify the role of switching cost as a moderating variable in the influence
of price and service quality on switching intention. It also attempts to answer the current state …

[ספר][B] Ephemeral Retailing: Pop-up stores in a postmodern consumption Era

G Boustani - 2019‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Often described as the" hottest" retail phenomenon, ephemeral retail concerns the growth of
pop-up stores as a new mode of retailing. These temporary stores" pop-up" without notice …

Effect of marketing mix and service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty (A study on PT. Mutiara Cemerlang Utama Bali)

NN Ardani - Journal of Applied Sciences in Travel and Hospitality, 2021‏ - ojs2.pnb.ac.id
The COVID–19 pandemic been made bad impact all tourism sector. Travels agents need to
be adapted to pandemic condition to survive in this current situation. The purpose of this …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty and satisfaction in food and beverage restaurants in Kenya

K Amadi - Marketing, 2020‏ - paperpublications.org
Marketing strategy is the main determinant of customer loyalty and satisfaction in the food
and beverage industry internationally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of …

[PDF][PDF] Service Delivery Strategies and Customers' Loyalty to Online Retailers in Rivers State

MM Daddie, GH Akani - Journal of contemporary marketing, 2020‏ - researchgate.net
The objective of this study was to examine the nexus between service delivery strategies
and customers' loyalty to online retailers. The study adopted survey research design. The …