[PDF][PDF] Measuring the critical effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in food and beverage products
In this era, information technology is develo** rapidly which makes competition tighter.
Companies should arrange marketing mix well in order to be able to attract customers and …
Companies should arrange marketing mix well in order to be able to attract customers and …
[PDF][PDF] The Effect of Marketing Mix (7Ps') on Tourists' Satisfaction: A Study on Cumilla
Tourism is a fast growing and multidimensional industry and it becomes an increasingly
important sector in Bangladesh. The main intent of this study is to examine the effect of …
important sector in Bangladesh. The main intent of this study is to examine the effect of …
Creating customer satisfaction to customer loyalty: The role of service quality in every'Moment of Truth'
This study aims to examine a model that evaluates the relationship between the moment of
truth, service quality, and customer satisfaction on loyalty. This research was conducted at …
truth, service quality, and customer satisfaction on loyalty. This research was conducted at …
Pengaruh service quality terhadap satisfaction dan customer loyalty Koperasi Dadirah di Dili Timor-Leste
Kualitas layanan merupakan suatu sikap dan perilaku seseorang dalam memberikan
pelayanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan konsumen yang dilayani …
pelayanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan konsumen yang dilayani …
Linking of service quality and switching costs with turnover intentions: The mediating role of customer loyalty
Abstract The development of Sharia Banks in Indonesia was exceedingly rejoicing in the
early years of the establishment of the first Sharia bank, Bank Mumalat Indonesia, in 1992 …
early years of the establishment of the first Sharia bank, Bank Mumalat Indonesia, in 1992 …
The moderating effect of switching cost on the influence of price and service quality towards switching intention
This study aims to identify the role of switching cost as a moderating variable in the influence
of price and service quality on switching intention. It also attempts to answer the current state …
of price and service quality on switching intention. It also attempts to answer the current state …
[ספר][B] Ephemeral Retailing: Pop-up stores in a postmodern consumption Era
G Boustani - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Often described as the" hottest" retail phenomenon, ephemeral retail concerns the growth of
pop-up stores as a new mode of retailing. These temporary stores" pop-up" without notice …
pop-up stores as a new mode of retailing. These temporary stores" pop-up" without notice …
Effect of marketing mix and service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty (A study on PT. Mutiara Cemerlang Utama Bali)
The COVID–19 pandemic been made bad impact all tourism sector. Travels agents need to
be adapted to pandemic condition to survive in this current situation. The purpose of this …
be adapted to pandemic condition to survive in this current situation. The purpose of this …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty and satisfaction in food and beverage restaurants in Kenya
Marketing strategy is the main determinant of customer loyalty and satisfaction in the food
and beverage industry internationally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of …
and beverage industry internationally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of …
[PDF][PDF] Service Delivery Strategies and Customers' Loyalty to Online Retailers in Rivers State
The objective of this study was to examine the nexus between service delivery strategies
and customers' loyalty to online retailers. The study adopted survey research design. The …
and customers' loyalty to online retailers. The study adopted survey research design. The …