Across space and time: a review of sampling, preservational, analytical, and anthropogenic biases in fossil data across macroecological scales
Quantitative studies of fossil data have proven critical to a number of major
macroevolutionary and macroecological discoveries, such as the 'Big 5'mass extinctions of …
macroevolutionary and macroecological discoveries, such as the 'Big 5'mass extinctions of …
Incorporating effects of habitat patches into species distribution models
Species distribution models (SDMs) are algorithms designed to infer the distribution of
species using environmental and biotic variables and have become an important tool for …
species using environmental and biotic variables and have become an important tool for …
Unexpected fish diversity gradients in the Amazon basin
Using the most comprehensive fish occurrence database, we evaluated the importance of
ecological and historical drivers in diversity patterns of subdrainage basins across the …
ecological and historical drivers in diversity patterns of subdrainage basins across the …
Convolutional neural networks improve species distribution modelling by capturing the spatial structure of the environment
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are statistical models suited for learning complex
visual patterns. In the context of Species Distribution Models (SDM) and in line with …
visual patterns. In the context of Species Distribution Models (SDM) and in line with …
Spatially‐nested hierarchical species distribution models to overcome niche truncation in national‐scale studies
Spatial truncation in species distribution models (SDMs) might cause niche truncation and
model transferability issues, particularly when extrapolating models to non‐analog …
model transferability issues, particularly when extrapolating models to non‐analog …
Climate change and the future restructuring of Neotropical anuran biodiversity
Climate change is likely to impact multiple dimensions of biodiversity. Species range shifts
are expected and may drive changes in the composition of species assemblages. In some …
are expected and may drive changes in the composition of species assemblages. In some …
The fate of páramo plant assemblages in the sky islands of the northern Andes
Aims Assessing climate change impacts on biodiversity is a main scientific challenge,
especially in the tropics. We predicted the future of plant species and communities on the …
especially in the tropics. We predicted the future of plant species and communities on the …
Predicting species distributions and community composition using satellite remote sensing predictors
JN Pinto-Ledezma, J Cavender-Bares - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
Biodiversity is rapidly changing due to changes in the climate and human related activities;
thus, the accurate predictions of species composition and diversity are critical to develo** …
thus, the accurate predictions of species composition and diversity are critical to develo** …
Multiresponse algorithms for community‐level modelling: Review of theory, applications, and comparison to species distribution models
Community‐level models (CLMs) consider multiple, co‐occurring species in model fitting
and are lesser known alternatives to species distribution models (SDMs) for analysing and …
and are lesser known alternatives to species distribution models (SDMs) for analysing and …
[HTML][HTML] A case study on joint species distribution modelling with bird atlas data: Revealing limits to species' niches
Growing interest in biodiversity map** has spurred the development of species
distribution atlases, often mainly based on citizen-science projects. Atlas data have been …
distribution atlases, often mainly based on citizen-science projects. Atlas data have been …