A Survey on Self-supervised Learning: Algorithms, Applications, and Future Trends
Deep supervised learning algorithms typically require a large volume of labeled data to
achieve satisfactory performance. However, the process of collecting and labeling such data …
achieve satisfactory performance. However, the process of collecting and labeling such data …
Fashion meets computer vision: A survey
Fashion is the way we present ourselves to the world and has become one of the world's
largest industries. Fashion, mainly conveyed by vision, has thus attracted much attention …
largest industries. Fashion, mainly conveyed by vision, has thus attracted much attention …
Stylegan-human: A data-centric odyssey of human generation
Unconditional human image generation is an important task in vision and graphics, enabling
various applications in the creative industry. Existing studies in this field mainly focus on …
various applications in the creative industry. Existing studies in this field mainly focus on …
Beyond appearance: a semantic controllable self-supervised learning framework for human-centric visual tasks
Human-centric visual tasks have attracted increasing research attention due to their
widespread applications. In this paper, we aim to learn a general human representation from …
widespread applications. In this paper, we aim to learn a general human representation from …
Sapiens: Foundation for human vision models
We present Sapiens, a family of models for four fundamental human-centric vision tasks–2D
pose estimation, body-part segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction …
pose estimation, body-part segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction …
Object-contextual representations for semantic segmentation
In this paper, we study the context aggregation problem in semantic segmentation.
Motivated by that the label of a pixel is the category of the object that the pixel belongs to, we …
Motivated by that the label of a pixel is the category of the object that the pixel belongs to, we …
Deep high-resolution representation learning for visual recognition
High-resolution representations are essential for position-sensitive vision problems, such as
human pose estimation, semantic segmentation, and object detection. Existing state-of-the …
human pose estimation, semantic segmentation, and object detection. Existing state-of-the …
OCNet: Object context for semantic segmentation
In this paper, we address the semantic segmentation task with a new context aggregation
scheme named object context, which focuses on enhancing the role of object information …
scheme named object context, which focuses on enhancing the role of object information …
High-resolution representations for labeling pixels and regions
High-resolution representation learning plays an essential role in many vision problems, eg,
pose estimation and semantic segmentation. The high-resolution network (HRNet)~\cite …
pose estimation and semantic segmentation. The high-resolution network (HRNet)~\cite …
Feature pyramid transformer
Feature interactions across space and scales underpin modern visual recognition systems
because they introduce beneficial visual contexts. Conventionally, spatial contexts are …
because they introduce beneficial visual contexts. Conventionally, spatial contexts are …