High Curie temperature and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in homoepitaxial InMnAs films

Y Yuan, Y Wang, K Gao, M Khalid, C Wu… - Journal of Physics D …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
We have prepared the dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) InMnAs with different Mn
concentrations by ion implantation and pulsed laser melting. The Curie temperature of the In …

Detection of stacking faults breaking the [110]/[10] symmetry in ferromagnetic semiconductors (Ga,Mn)As and (Ga,Mn)(As,P)

M Kopecký, J Kub, F Máca, J Mašek, O Pacherová… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
We report on high-resolution x-ray diffraction measurements of (Ga, Mn) As and (Ga, Mn)(As,
P) epilayers. We observe a structural anisotropy in the form of stacking faults that are present …

Magnetic domain wall propagation under ferroelectric control

E Mikheev, I Stolichnov, E De Ranieri… - Physical Review B …, 2012 - APS
Control of magnetic domain walls (DWs) and their propagation is among the most promising
development directions for future information-storage devices. The well-established tools for …

Switching the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion irradiation induced compensation

Y Yuan, T Amarouche, C Xu, A Rushforth… - Journal of Physics D …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
In the present work, the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of GaMnAsP is modified by helium ion
irradiation. According to the micro-magnetic parameters, eg resonance fields and anisotropy …

Comparison of micromagnetic parameters of the ferromagnetic semiconductors (Ga, Mn)(As, P) and (Ga, Mn) As

N Tesařová, D Butkovičová, RP Campion… - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
We report on the determination of micromagnetic parameters of epilayers of the
ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn) As, which has an easy axis in the sample plane, and …

Fast switching of magnetization in the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn)(As, P) using nonequilibrium phonon pulses

A Casiraghi, P Walker, AV Akimov… - Applied Physics …, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
We use short acoustic pulses to induce a fast irreversible switching of the magnetization
orientation in a layer of (Ga, Mn)(As, P). The pulses are generated by femtosecond optical …

A comprehensive study of the magnetic, structural, and transport properties of the III-V ferromagnetic semiconductor InMnP

M Khalid, K Gao, E Weschke, R Hübner… - Journal of Applied …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
The manganese induced magnetic, electrical, and structural modification in InMnP epilayers,
prepared by Mn ion implantation and pulsed laser annealing, are investigated in the …

Non-volatile ferroelectric gating of magnetotransport anisotropy in (Ga, Mn)(As, P)

E Mikheev, I Stolichnov, Z Huang, AW Rushforth… - Applied Physics …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
We demonstrate charge-mediated and non-volatile control of anisotropic magnetoresistance
(AMR) in a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn)(As, P) with an integrated polymer …

Magnetic and structural properties of (ga, mn) as/(al, ga, mn) as bilayer films

M Wang, AW Rushforth, AT Hindmarch… - Applied Physics …, 2013 - pubs.aip.org
We investigate the dependence of the magnetic and structural properties of (Ga, Mn) As/(Al,
Ga, Mn) As bilayer films on the stoichiometry of the interface region. For films incorporating a …

[PDF][PDF] Manipulating the magnetic anisotropy in the ferromagnetic semiconductor Gallium Manganese Arsenide

A Casiraghi - 2012 - core.ac.uk
Since its first successful growth in 1996, the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn)-As has
had a great influence on the research field of semiconductor spintronics. Among the …