[HTML][HTML] Construction and maintenance of urban underground infrastructure with digital technologies
Urban underground infrastructure is a critical component in cities to provide essential
services to residents. Research efforts have been made to facilitate different activities of …
services to residents. Research efforts have been made to facilitate different activities of …
[HTML][HTML] Global perspectives on groundwater infiltration to sewer networks: A threat to urban sustainability
While existing studies on sewer networks have explored topics such as surface water inflow,
limited research has delved into groundwater infiltration (GWI). This study aims to fill this …
limited research has delved into groundwater infiltration (GWI). This study aims to fill this …
Investigating the impact of sewer overflow on the environment: A comprehensive literature review paper
Sewer networks play a pivotal role in our everyday lives by transporting the stormwater and
urban sewage away from the urban areas. In this regard, Sewer Overflow (SO) has been …
urban sewage away from the urban areas. In this regard, Sewer Overflow (SO) has been …
Evaluation of the critical factors causing sewer overflows through modeling of structural equations and system dynamics
The present study proposes a novel hybrid methodological approach for meticulously
investigating the factors causing Sewer Overflow (SO). The proposed framework is based on …
investigating the factors causing Sewer Overflow (SO). The proposed framework is based on …
Optimization of integrating life cycle cost and systematic resilience for grey-green stormwater infrastructure
The trade-offs for alternative grey-green infrastructure (HGGI) solutions between life cycle
cost (LCC) and systematic resilience may impose many limitations in planning and …
cost (LCC) and systematic resilience may impose many limitations in planning and …
Asset management for blue-green infrastructures: a sco** review
Urban drainage systems have developed way beyond the traditional piped combined or
separate sewer systems. Many 'new'systems are being introduced, ranging from stormwater …
separate sewer systems. Many 'new'systems are being introduced, ranging from stormwater …
The value of urban flood modeling
Floods are important disturbances to urban socio‐eco‐technical systems and their
meteorological drivers are projected to increase through the century due to global climate …
meteorological drivers are projected to increase through the century due to global climate …
Challenges of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management: a review of pavement, sewer, and water distribution networks
The prosperity of urban life is dependent on its infrastructure. Urban underground
infrastructure components (assets) are aging and need regular monitoring, maintenance …
infrastructure components (assets) are aging and need regular monitoring, maintenance …
Vision-based defect inspection and condition assessment for sewer pipes: A comprehensive survey
Due to the advantages of economics, safety, and efficiency, vision-based analysis
techniques have recently gained conspicuous advancements, enabling them to be …
techniques have recently gained conspicuous advancements, enabling them to be …
Lightweight pixel-level semantic segmentation and analysis for sewer defects using deep learning
The underground sewer network is a vital public infrastructure in charge of large-scale
wastewater collection and treatment. Complex defects can occur in sewer pipes due to …
wastewater collection and treatment. Complex defects can occur in sewer pipes due to …