Hard science is essential to restoring soft-sediment intertidal habitats in burgeoning East Asia
Intertidal soft-sediment ecosystems such as mangrove, saltmarsh, and tidal flats face
multiple stresses along the burgeoning East Asia coastline. In addition to direct habitat loss …
multiple stresses along the burgeoning East Asia coastline. In addition to direct habitat loss …
Marine biodiversity in Korea: A review of macrozoobenthic assemblages, their distributions, and long-term community changes from human impacts
The present review provides a historical overview of the macrozoobenthos that supports
Korean marine biodiversity set against a regional introduction to the oceanography and …
Korean marine biodiversity set against a regional introduction to the oceanography and …
[HTML][HTML] Application of satellite remote sensing in monitoring dissolved oxygen variabilities: A case study for coastal waters in Korea
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the critical parameters representing water quality in coastal
environments. However, it is labor-and cost-intensive to maintain monitoring systems of DO …
environments. However, it is labor-and cost-intensive to maintain monitoring systems of DO …
Can the Ecological Quality of Several Bays in South Korea Be Accurately Assessed Using Multiple Benthic Biotic Indices?
J Liang, M Chae-Woo, K Kwang-Bae… - Journal of Marine …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Bays are extensively impacted by human activities, and an accurate assessment of
ecological quality is crucial for the environmental management and protection of bays. Most …
ecological quality is crucial for the environmental management and protection of bays. Most …
Biodiversity and China's new great wall
Coastal armouring and the reclamation of intertidal areas through the use of seawalls and
other artificial structures has been practiced for thousands of years, but its recent expansion …
other artificial structures has been practiced for thousands of years, but its recent expansion …
Comparison of macrozoobenthic communities and environmental variables in the subtidal zones between a nearly closed bay and an open bay
To compare the impact of human activities and geographical environment on
macrozoobenthic communities in bays, four season surveys of macrozoobenthos and …
macrozoobenthic communities in bays, four season surveys of macrozoobenthos and …
Sediment water content drives movement of intertidal crab Helice tientsinensis more strongly than salinity variations
X Li, W Yang, L Jiao, T Sun, Z Yang - Marine Environmental Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Intertidal wetlands undergo dynamic water and salinity variations, creating both promising
and challenging habitats for diverse organisms. Crabs respond strongly to these variations …
and challenging habitats for diverse organisms. Crabs respond strongly to these variations …
The Saemangeum tidal flat: long-term environmental and ecological changes in marine benthic flora and fauna in relation to the embankment
The present article presents a historical overview of the Saemangeum reclamation projects
and key findings from the ecological studies of the Saemangeum tidal flat, highlighting the …
and key findings from the ecological studies of the Saemangeum tidal flat, highlighting the …
Effects of an experimental in situ diesel oil spill on the benthic community of unvegetated tidal flats in a subtropical estuary (Paranaguá Bay, Brazil)
AG Egres, CC Martins, VM de Oliveira… - Marine Pollution …, 2012 - Elsevier
The effects of diesel oil on benthic associations from unvegetated tidal flats in a subtropical
estuary were experimentally evaluated using a Multivariate Before and After/Control and …
estuary were experimentally evaluated using a Multivariate Before and After/Control and …
Factors affecting the distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates at a major shorebird staging site in the Yellow Sea, China
The tidal flats of the Yellow Sea support benthic communities that are vitally important to
migratory birds, but baseline information on benthic community structure and variability is …
migratory birds, but baseline information on benthic community structure and variability is …