Why are invasive plants successful?
Plant invasions, a byproduct of globalization, are increasing worldwide. Because of their
ecological and economic impacts, considerable efforts have been made to understand and …
ecological and economic impacts, considerable efforts have been made to understand and …
Contemporary evolution during invasion: evidence for differentiation, natural selection, and local adaptation
Biological invasions are 'natural'experiments that can improve our understanding of
contemporary evolution. We evaluate evidence for population differentiation, natural …
contemporary evolution. We evaluate evidence for population differentiation, natural …
The long‐standing significance of genetic diversity in conservation
Since allozymes were first used to assess genetic diversity in the 1960s and 1970s,
biologists have attempted to characterize gene pools and conserve the diversity observed in …
biologists have attempted to characterize gene pools and conserve the diversity observed in …
What we still don't know about invasion genetics
Summary Publication of The Genetics of Colonizing Species in 1965 launched the field of
invasion genetics and highlighted the value of biological invasions as natural ecological and …
invasion genetics and highlighted the value of biological invasions as natural ecological and …
The more the better? The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions
Background Biological invasions are a major ecological and socio-economic problem in
many parts of the world. Despite an explosion of research in recent decades, much remains …
many parts of the world. Despite an explosion of research in recent decades, much remains …
Using herbaria to study global environmental change
During the last centuries, humans have transformed global ecosystems. With their temporal
dimension, herbaria provide the otherwise scarce long‐term data crucial for tracking …
dimension, herbaria provide the otherwise scarce long‐term data crucial for tracking …
How important is intraspecific genetic admixture to the success of colonising populations?
Genetic admixture of divergent intraspecific lineages is increasingly suspected to have an
important role in the success of colonising populations. However, admixture is not a …
important role in the success of colonising populations. However, admixture is not a …
Evolutionary responses to global change: lessons from invasive species
Biologists have recently devoted increasing attention to the role of rapid evolution in species'
responses to environmental change. However, it is still unclear what evolutionary responses …
responses to environmental change. However, it is still unclear what evolutionary responses …
Is gene flow the most important evolutionary force in plants?
Although theory has demonstrated rather low levels of gene flow are sufficient to counteract
opposing mutation, drift, and selection, widespread recognition of the evolutionary …
opposing mutation, drift, and selection, widespread recognition of the evolutionary …
Biological invasions, climate change, and genomics
Biological invasions constitute a major environmental change driver, affecting conservation,
agriculture and human health. Invasive alien species (IAS) impacts include, alterations of …
agriculture and human health. Invasive alien species (IAS) impacts include, alterations of …