New perspectives on future smart FiWi networks: Scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency
Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) network, as an integration of optical fiber network and wireless access
network, has attracted intensive research interest and enjoyed significant growth in its …
network, has attracted intensive research interest and enjoyed significant growth in its …
Mobile-edge computing versus centralized cloud computing over a converged FiWi access network
The advent of Internet of Things and 5G applications renders the need for integration of both
centralized cloud computing and emerging mobile-edge computing (MEC) with existing …
centralized cloud computing and emerging mobile-edge computing (MEC) with existing …
Wavelength-agile and radio-agile FiWi access network using dynamic scheduling to improve upstream delay and resource utilization
Fiber wireless (FiWi) access network which is also referred as hybrid wireless optical
broadband access network is one of the modern architecture to solve the problem of …
broadband access network is one of the modern architecture to solve the problem of …
Performance analysis of the limited bandwidth allocation scheme with excess distribution
The limited scheme with excess distribution (LS-ED), being a superior grant-sizing protocol
in terms of average delay minimization while providing fairness and quality of service (QoS) …
in terms of average delay minimization while providing fairness and quality of service (QoS) …
Grou** by Cycle Length (GCL) for long-range FiWi networks
The integration of wireless access networks with optical access networks in the so-called
fiber-wireless (FiWi) networks has recently emerged as a promising strategy for providing …
fiber-wireless (FiWi) networks has recently emerged as a promising strategy for providing …
Software-defined converged access network with cross-layer intelligent control architecture
T Liu, P Qin, L Li, Y Tang - Optical Fiber Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
The optical and wireless convergence technology is one of the principal means for the
problem of last mile access. The software-defined network (SDN) supported by OpenFlow …
problem of last mile access. The software-defined network (SDN) supported by OpenFlow …
The generalized minimum branch vertices problem: Properties and polyhedral analysis
This article introduces the Generalized Minimum Branch Vertices problem. Given an
undirected graph, where the set of vertices is partitioned into clusters, the Generalized …
undirected graph, where the set of vertices is partitioned into clusters, the Generalized …
Integration of Clouds and Cloudlets in Energy-Aware Fiber-Wireless Access Networks
BP Rimal - 2017 -
Abstract An integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) broadband access network consists of a
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in the wireless front-end segment and an Ethernet …
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in the wireless front-end segment and an Ethernet …
[PDF][PDF] The Generalized Minimum Branch Vertices Problem
This article introduces the Generalized Minimum Branch Vertices problem. Given an
undirected graph, where the set of vertices is partitioned into clusters, the Generalized …
undirected graph, where the set of vertices is partitioned into clusters, the Generalized …
[KNJIGA][B] Efficient Routing and Resource Sharing Mechanisms for Hybrid Optical-Wireless Access Networks
Y Dashti - 2016 -
The integration of passive optical networks (PONs) and wireless mesh networks (WMNs)
into Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) networks has recently emerged as a promising strategy for …
into Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) networks has recently emerged as a promising strategy for …