Fear generalization in humans: systematic review and implications for anxiety disorder research
Fear generalization, in which conditioned fear responses generalize or spread to related
stimuli, is a defining feature of anxiety disorders. The behavioral consequences of …
stimuli, is a defining feature of anxiety disorders. The behavioral consequences of …
Contextual behavioral science: Creating a science more adequate to the challenge of the human condition
The present article describes the nature, scope, and purpose of Contextual Behavioral
Science (CBS). Emerging from behavioral psychology but expanding from those roots, CBS …
Science (CBS). Emerging from behavioral psychology but expanding from those roots, CBS …
[PDF][PDF] Students' self-confidence and its impacts on their learning process
O Akbari, J Sahibzada - American International Journal of Social …, 2020 - academia.edu
The purpose of this study was to measure students' self-confidence and finds its impacts on
their learning process at Kandahar University. The study is descriptive in nature where …
their learning process at Kandahar University. The study is descriptive in nature where …
Language models and psychological sciences
Large language models (LLMs) are demonstrating impressive performance on many
reasoning and problem-solving tasks from cognitive psychology. When tested, their …
reasoning and problem-solving tasks from cognitive psychology. When tested, their …
[PDF][PDF] ChatGPT and the general concepts of education: Can artificial intelligence-driven chatbots support the process of language learning?
This paper explores the correspondence between the use of ChatGPT and the generally
accepted definitions of learning. The study compares the data provided by ChatGPT with …
accepted definitions of learning. The study compares the data provided by ChatGPT with …
Gamifying employer branding: An integrating framework and research propositions for a new HRM approach in the digitized economy
DM Küpper, K Klein, F Völckner - Human Resource Management Review, 2021 - Elsevier
The digital age calls for digital HRM approaches, as the “digitized” workforce confronts
companies with changing requirements regarding their human resource practices. Most …
companies with changing requirements regarding their human resource practices. Most …
On the about/for/through framework of entrepreneurship education: A critical analysis
This conceptual article aims to stimulate the educational discussion in entrepreneurship by
identifying instructional differences among the three modes of entrepreneurship education …
identifying instructional differences among the three modes of entrepreneurship education …
Embracing multiple definitions of learning
Definitions of learning vary widely across disciplines, driven largely by different approaches
used to assess its occurrence. These definitions can be better reconciled with each other if …
used to assess its occurrence. These definitions can be better reconciled with each other if …
The supportive role of environmental attitude for learning about environmental issues
People's commitment to environmental preservation (ie, environmental attitude) appears to
be critical for manifest engagement. Correspondingly, it seems advisable that environmental …
be critical for manifest engagement. Correspondingly, it seems advisable that environmental …
[PDF][PDF] The implementation of independent learning independent campus: The new paradigm of education in Indonesia
Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) is a program to develop an
educational ecosystem that is in harmony with learning in higher education and the needs of …
educational ecosystem that is in harmony with learning in higher education and the needs of …