Α tool for requirements engineering using ontologies and boilerplates

C Antοniou, N Bassiliades - Automated Software Engineering, 2024 - Springer
The most popular technique for specification requirements is natural language. The
disadvantage of natural language is ambiguity. Boilerplates are syntactic patterns which limit …

Process to enhance the quality of software requirement specification document

SW Ali, QA Ahmed, I Shafi - 2018 International Conference on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The failure and success of any software mainly depends on a technical document known as
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document, as it contains all requirements and …

A framework for detecting ambiguity in software requirement specification

AOJ Sabriye, WMNW Zainon - 2017 8th International …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The accomplishment of any software system success depends on how well it meets the
requirements of the stakeholders. These requirements are elicited from the customers …


ALIOJIMALE SABRIYE, WMNW Zainon - journal of theoretical & applied …, 2018 - jatit.org
Software requirements are considered to be ambiguous if the requirements statement could
have more than one interpretation. The ambiguous requirements could cause the software …

Requirements validation in the information system software development lifecycle: A software quality in use evaluation

L Canchari, P Angeleri, A Dávila - Programming and Computer Software, 2023 - Springer
The Peruvian government adopted the ISO/IEC 12207 standard and established its
mandatory implementation in public entities to improve the quality of the software products …

Semantic requirements construction using ontologies and boilerplates

C Antoniou, K Kravari, N Bassiliades - Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents a combination of an ontology and boilerplates, which are requirements
templates for the syntactic structure of individual requirements that try to alleviate the …

Structured SRS for e-Government Services With Boilerplate Design and Interface

GC Oztekin, GGM Dalveren - IEEE Access, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There are many projects being carried out to develop e-Government applications. In order to
develop an efficient application, a proper requirements specification is strictly required …

[PDF][PDF] SRCM: A semi formal requirements representation model enabling system visualisation and quality checking

M Osama, A Zaki-Ismail, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy… - 2021 - dro.deakin.edu.au
Requirements engineering is pivotal to the successful development of any given system.
The core artifact for such phase is the requirements specification document. Requirements …

[PDF][PDF] Improving the quality of automotive test case specifications

K Juhnke - 2021 - oparu.uni-ulm.de
Context. Test case specifications are a central element of a structured automotive test
process. They contain natural language test cases that are used to perform manual tests in …

[PDF][PDF] A survey of software requirements specification ambiguity

AK Gupta, A Deraman, ST Siddiqui - ARPN Journal of …, 2019 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT The quality of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is critical. A good
quality SRS must be clear, correct, consistent, unambiguous, modifiable, verifiable and …