The cretaceous period
The breakup of the former Pangea supercontinent culminated in the modern drifting
continents. Increased rifting caused the establishment of the Atlantic Ocean in the middle …
continents. Increased rifting caused the establishment of the Atlantic Ocean in the middle …
Secular variation in Late Cretaceous carbon isotopes: a new δ13C carbonate reference curve for the Cenomanian–Campanian (99.6–70.6 Ma)
Carbon stable-isotope variation through the Cenomanian–Santonian stages is
characterized using data for 1769 bulk pelagic carbonate samples collected from seven …
characterized using data for 1769 bulk pelagic carbonate samples collected from seven …
Ammonite and inoceramid biostratigraphy and biogeography of the Cenomanian through basal Middle Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Morondava Basin …
The stratigraphic distribution of ammonite and inoceramid faunas of the richly fossiliferous
Cenomanian through basal Middle Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) succession of the …
Cenomanian through basal Middle Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) succession of the …
Late Cretaceous (Campanian) carbon isotope events, sea-level change and correlation of the Tethyan and Boreal realms
Carbon stable-isotope stratigraphy provides unique insights into environmental change
during the Campanian, the longest (83.5–71.3 Ma), but least well-understood stage of the …
during the Campanian, the longest (83.5–71.3 Ma), but least well-understood stage of the …
S Voigt, M Wagreich, F Surlyk, I Walaszczyk, D Uličný… - 2008 -
Abstract During the Cretaceous (145.5-65.5 Ma; Gradstein et al. 2004). Central Europe was
part of the European continental plate, which was bordered by the North Atlantic ocean and …
part of the European continental plate, which was bordered by the North Atlantic ocean and …
Intercontinental correlation of organic carbon and carbonate stable isotope records: evidence of climate and sea‐level change during the Turonian (Cretaceous)
Abstract Carbon (δ13Corg, δ13Ccarb) and oxygen (δ18Ocarb) isotope records are
presented for an expanded Upper Cretaceous (Turonian–Coniacian) hemipelagic …
presented for an expanded Upper Cretaceous (Turonian–Coniacian) hemipelagic …
The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy working quarry: integrated stratigraphy and …
The north Bohemian Cretaceous (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin; Czech Republic) is located
between the northern temperate areas and the Tethys. As a gateway to the Tethys, lithology …
between the northern temperate areas and the Tethys. As a gateway to the Tethys, lithology …
Intra-Turonian stratigraphic reorganization on the Arabian Plate
Shallow-marine carbonate deposition was widespread across the Arabian Plate during
much of the Late Permian–Mesozoic but was significantly interrupted by a major tectonically …
much of the Late Permian–Mesozoic but was significantly interrupted by a major tectonically …
Upper Cretaceous stable carbon isotope stratigraphy of terrestrial organic matter from Sakhalin, Russian Far East: a proxy for the isotopic composition of …
Time-stratigraphic patterns of stable carbon isotopic ratios recorded in terrestrial organic
matter from Cenomanian–Maastrichtian successions for the Russian Far East can be …
matter from Cenomanian–Maastrichtian successions for the Russian Far East can be …
The Salzgitter-Salder quarry (Lower Saxony, Germany) and Słupia Nadbrzeżna river cliff section (Central Poland): a proposed candidate composite global boundary …
An integrated account of a candidate composite Global Boundary Stratotype Section and
Point for the base of the Coniacian Stage, comprising the Salzgitter-Salder Quarry section …
Point for the base of the Coniacian Stage, comprising the Salzgitter-Salder Quarry section …