[PDF][PDF] Security and Privacy in m-Learning and Beyond: Challenges and State-of-the-art

G Kambourakis - International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and …, 2013 - Citeseer
Mobile learning is constantly evolving, following the shift of mobile technologies from laptops
to handheld devices and smartphones. Indeed, the opportunities for innovation in this area …

Effective collaboration with information sharing in virtual universities

H Wang, Y Zhang, J Cao - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A global education system, as a key area in future IT, has fostered developers to provide
various learning systems with low cost. While a variety of e-learning advantages has been …

A blueprint for enhanced transition: Taking an holistic approach to managing student transition into a large university

K Nelson, S Kift, J Humphreys… - Proceedings of the 9th …, 2006 - research.usq.edu.au
Enhancing the student experience in their first year at university requires: students to
encounter curriculum that is sensitive to their realities, adequate and timely access to …

" First portal in a storm": A virtual space for transition students

KJ Nelson, SM Kift, WE Harper - Proceedings of the 2005 …, 2005 - research.usc.edu.au
"First portal in a storm": A virtual space for transition students Page 1 Please do not remove
this page "First portal in a storm": A virtual space for transition students Nelson, Karen J; Kift …

Access control and authorization for protecting disseminative information in E‐learning workflow

L Sun, H Wang - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
E‐learning defined as learning activities performed over electronic devices is rapidly
increasing and has become one of the key e‐commerce applications with a growing …

Secure and efficient information sharing in multi-university e-learning environments

H Wang, Q Li - Advances in Web Based Learning–ICWL 2007: 6th …, 2008 - Springer
Digital information sharing of multi-university environments usually occurs in broad, highly
dynamic network-based environments, and formally accessing the resources in a secure …

[PDF][PDF] Expectations and reality in distributed systems

J Bacon - Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on …, 2005 - Citeseer
There is widespread awareness of the potential of networkbased systems. Governments
expect to be able to procure nationwide distributed systems for healthcare, taxation, policing …

[PDF][PDF] M-learning effectiveness factors

A Martin, GJA Jose - International Journal of Engineering …, 2017 - researchgate.net
This article presents the current demand of education through Information technology. M-
Learning is not new to countries where technologies are advanced and is easily adapted to …

'Any portal in a storm?'Aligning online engagement patterns with the needs of transition students

K Nelson, S Kift, W Harper - … of the OLT 2005, Beyond Delivery, 2005 - research.usq.edu.au
Engaging new students in tertiary study, amidst the storm of their adjustment to university
life, should harness conventional physical as well as new virtual spaces to ensure (as urged …

[PDF][PDF] Active privilege management for distributed access control systems

DM Eyers - 2006 - cl.cam.ac.uk
Active privilege management for distributed access control systems Page 1 Technical Report
Number 669 Computer Laboratory UCAM-CL-TR-669 ISSN 1476-2986 Active privilege …