Small is powerful: recent progress in solution‐processed small molecule solar cells
Over the last 5 years, research on the synthesis, device engineering, and device physics of
solution‐processed small molecule solar cells (SMSCs) has rapidly expanded …
solution‐processed small molecule solar cells (SMSCs) has rapidly expanded …
Insight into the structures and dynamics of organic semiconductors through solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Organic semiconductors (OSCs) are of fundamental and technological interest, owing to
their properties and functions in a range of optoelectronic devices, including organic light …
their properties and functions in a range of optoelectronic devices, including organic light …
Toward predicting efficiency of organic solar cells via machine learning and improved descriptors
To design efficient materials for organic photovoltaics (OPVs), it is essential to identify the
largest number of parameters that control their properties and build a model using these …
largest number of parameters that control their properties and build a model using these …
Designing promising molecules for organic solar cells via machine learning assisted virtual screening
H Sahu, F Yang, X Ye, J Ma, W Fang… - Journal of Materials …, 2019 - pubs.rsc.org
Navigating chemical space for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) is in high demand for further
increasing the device efficiency, which can be accelerated through virtual screening of a …
increasing the device efficiency, which can be accelerated through virtual screening of a …
The dopant-free hole transport material based on benzo [1, 2-b: 4, 5-b'] dithiophene with high efficiency in inverted perovskite solar cells
Z Chen, Z Liu, X Yang, Z Sun, C Zhou, L Chen… - Materials Today …, 2024 - Elsevier
In the commercialization process of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells (OIH–
PSCs), the research of dopant-free hole transport materials (HTMs) with high efficiency is …
PSCs), the research of dopant-free hole transport materials (HTMs) with high efficiency is …
Higher mobility and carrier lifetimes in solution‐processable small‐molecule ternary solar cells with 11% efficiency
RZ Liang, Y Zhang, V Savikhin… - Advanced Energy …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Solution‐processed small molecule (SM) solar cells have the prospect to outperform their
polymer‐fullerene counterparts. Considering that both SM donors/acceptors absorb in …
polymer‐fullerene counterparts. Considering that both SM donors/acceptors absorb in …
50th Anniversary Perspective: The Importance of NMR Spectroscopy to Macromolecular Science
HW Spiess - Macromolecules, 2017 - ACS Publications
An overview is given of the development of NMR spectroscopy during the past 50 years with
emphasis on applications in macromolecular science. The unique versatility of the …
emphasis on applications in macromolecular science. The unique versatility of the …
A–π–D–π–A Electron‐Donating Small Molecules for Solution‐Processed Organic Solar Cells: A Review
Z Wang, L Zhu, Z Shuai, Z Wei - Macromolecular Rapid …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Organic solar cells based on semiconducting polymers and small molecules have attracted
considerable attention in the last two decades. Moreover, the power conversion efficiencies …
considerable attention in the last two decades. Moreover, the power conversion efficiencies …
Mixed domains enhance charge generation and extraction in bulk‐heterojunction solar cells with small‐molecule donors
The interplay between nanomorphology and efficiency of polymer‐fullerene bulk‐
heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells has been the subject of intense research, but the generality …
heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells has been the subject of intense research, but the generality …
Solvent vapor annealing-mediated crystallization directs charge generation, recombination and extraction in BHJ solar cells
M Babics, RZ Liang, K Wang, F Cruciani… - Chemistry of …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Small-molecule (SM) donors that can be solution-processed with fullerene acceptors (eg,
PC61/71BM), or their “nonfullerene” counterparts, are proving particularly promising for the …
PC61/71BM), or their “nonfullerene” counterparts, are proving particularly promising for the …