Terrorism, radicalization and de-radicalization
Highlights•A model of radicalization and de-radicalization is presented.•We specify the main
characteristics of radical groups.•We outline the micro, meso and macro factors in …
characteristics of radical groups.•We outline the micro, meso and macro factors in …
Disengagement from ideologically-based and violent organizations: A systematic review of the literature
S Windisch, P Simi, GS Ligon, H McNeel - 2016 - digitalcommons.chapman.edu
Research on disengagement from violent extremism is an emerging field of inquiry. As
compared to the related field of radicalization, there have been fewer studies of …
compared to the related field of radicalization, there have been fewer studies of …
[หนังสือ][B] Understanding deradicalization: Methods, tools and programs for countering violent extremism
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the different aspects of deradicalization
theories, programs and methods. It analyzes the practical and theoretical aspects of …
theories, programs and methods. It analyzes the practical and theoretical aspects of …
A theory of goal systems
In this chapter, the authors describe a research program premised on the notion that the
cognitive treatment affords conceptual and methodological advantages enabling new …
cognitive treatment affords conceptual and methodological advantages enabling new …
To the fringe and back: Violent extremism and the psychology of deviance
This chapter discusses the general phenomenon of extremism as such, and considers in
depth the special case of Violent extremism (VE). Social movement theory describes VE in …
depth the special case of Violent extremism (VE). Social movement theory describes VE in …
[PDF][PDF] Introduction
The Nordic countries top the rankings of all global indexes on gender equality. Their global
reputation is underlined by the United Nations' description of Norway as a 'haven of gender …
reputation is underlined by the United Nations' description of Norway as a 'haven of gender …
The Attitudes-Behaviors Corrective (ABC) model of violent extremism
Progress in understanding and responding to terrorism and violent extremism has continued
to stall in part because we often fail to adequately conceptualize the problem. Perhaps most …
to stall in part because we often fail to adequately conceptualize the problem. Perhaps most …
Why they leave: An analysis of terrorist disengagement events from eighty-seven autobiographical accounts
ABSTRACT A deeper understanding of terrorist disengagement offers important insights for
policymakers and practitioners seeking to persuade individuals to leave these groups …
policymakers and practitioners seeking to persuade individuals to leave these groups …
Narratives of childhood adversity and adolescent misconduct as precursors to violent extremism: A life-course criminological approach
Objective: We examined how nonideological factors such as childhood risk factors and
adolescent conduct problems precede participation in violent extremism (VE). Methods: We …
adolescent conduct problems precede participation in violent extremism (VE). Methods: We …
Reconsidering radicalization: Fanaticism and the link between ideas and violence
central issue with many interpretations of radicalization remains their tendency to
overemphasize the role of extremist beliefs in motivating involvement in terrorism. After …
overemphasize the role of extremist beliefs in motivating involvement in terrorism. After …