The movement ecology of fishes
Movement of fishes in the aquatic realm is fundamental to their ecology and survival.
Movement can be driven by a variety of biological, physiological and environmental factors …
Movement can be driven by a variety of biological, physiological and environmental factors …
[PDF][PDF] Progress and direction in the use of stable isotopes to understand complex coral reef ecosystems: A review
Coral reef ecosystems are exceptionally complex with a myriad of trophic pathways and
consumer relationships. The application of stable isotopes (SIs) offers numerous …
consumer relationships. The application of stable isotopes (SIs) offers numerous …
Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes
Canopy‐forming macroalgae can construct extensive meadow habitats in tropical
seascapes occupied by fishes that span a diversity of taxa, life‐history stages and ecological …
seascapes occupied by fishes that span a diversity of taxa, life‐history stages and ecological …
Beyond the reef: The widespread use of non‐reef habitats by coral reef fishes
Marine ecology seeks to understand the factors that shape biological communities. Progress
towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the …
towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the …
The ocean's movescape: fisheries management in the bio-logging decade (2018–2028)
Although movement has always played an important role in fisheries science, movement
patterns are changing with changing ocean conditions. This affects availability to capture …
patterns are changing with changing ocean conditions. This affects availability to capture …
Thresholds in seascape connectivity: the spatial arrangement of nursery habitats structure fish communities on nearby reefs
Ecosystems are linked by the movement of organisms across habitat boundaries and the
arrangement of habitat patches can affect species abundance and composition. In tropical …
arrangement of habitat patches can affect species abundance and composition. In tropical …
Enhancing uptake of nature-based solutions for informing coastal sustainable development policy and planning: a Malaysia case study
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have been advocated to protect, sustainably manage, and
restore natural or modified ecosystems, simultaneously providing human well-being and …
restore natural or modified ecosystems, simultaneously providing human well-being and …
Making the most of aquatic animal tracking: a review of complementary methods to bolster acoustic telemetry
Tracking the movements of aquatic animals is a primary means of understanding movement
ecology and interactions with human activities such as fisheries. Despite the diverse …
ecology and interactions with human activities such as fisheries. Despite the diverse …
Cross-shelf habitat shifts by red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Gulf of Mexico
Habitat shifts that occur during the life cycles of marine fishes influence population
connectivity and structure. A generalized additive modeling approach was used to …
connectivity and structure. A generalized additive modeling approach was used to …
Ontogeny drives allochthonous trophic support of snappers: Seascape connectivity along the mangrove-seagrass-coral reef continuum of a tropical marine protected …
Ecosystems are connected through the movement of organisms, nutrients, energy, and
matter. The connection and dependence between aquatic habitats enhances our capacity to …
matter. The connection and dependence between aquatic habitats enhances our capacity to …