Predicting marine litter accumulation patterns in the Mediterranean basin: Spatio-temporal variability and comparison with empirical data
J Mansui, G Darmon, T Ballerini, O van Canneyt… - Progress in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Mediterranean Sea is now acknowledged to be a hot spot for marine litter.
However, little is known about Floating Macro Litter (FML) concentration at the scale of the …
However, little is known about Floating Macro Litter (FML) concentration at the scale of the …
Synthesis review of the Gulf of Gabes (eastern Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia): Morphological, climatic, physical oceanographic, biogeochemical and fisheries features
B Béjaoui, SB Ismail, A Othmani… - Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Several oceanographic surveys have been done in the Gulf of Gabes since the beginning of
the twentieth century. The aim of the study by the “Pourquoi Pas”? in 1923 was to investigate …
the twentieth century. The aim of the study by the “Pourquoi Pas”? in 1923 was to investigate …
A biodegradable surface drifter for ocean sampling on a massive scale
G Novelli, CM Guigand, C Cousin… - … of Atmospheric and …, 2017 - journals.ametsoc.org
Targeted observations of submesoscale currents are necessary to improve science's
understanding of oceanic mixing, but these dynamics occur at spatiotemporal scales that are …
understanding of oceanic mixing, but these dynamics occur at spatiotemporal scales that are …
Surface geostrophic circulation of the Mediterranean Sea derived from drifter and satellite altimeter data
Drifter observations and satellite-derived sea surface height data are used to quantitatively
study the surface geostrophic circulation of the entire Mediterranean Sea for the period …
study the surface geostrophic circulation of the entire Mediterranean Sea for the period …
Lagrangian transport of marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea
Concern about marine litter has been rising in the last decades, triggered by the discovery of
the great mid-ocean garbage patches. The Mediterranean Sea is strongly affected by the …
the great mid-ocean garbage patches. The Mediterranean Sea is strongly affected by the …
Wind effects on drogued and undrogued drifters in the eastern Mediterranean
The wind effects on drogued and undrogued drifters are assessed using Coastal Ocean
Dynamics Experiment (CODE) and Surface Velocity Program (SVP) drifter datasets and …
Dynamics Experiment (CODE) and Surface Velocity Program (SVP) drifter datasets and …
Long‐lived mesoscale eddies in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of 20 years of AVISO geostrophic velocities
N Mkhinini, ALS Coimbra, A Stegner… - Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We analyzed 20 years of AVISO data set to detect and characterize long‐lived eddies, which
stay coherent more than 6 months, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In order to process the …
stay coherent more than 6 months, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In order to process the …
Genetic structure in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica: disentangling past vicariance events from contemporary patterns of gene flow
Abstract The Mediterranean Sea is a two‐basin system, with the boundary zone restricted to
the Strait of Sicily and the narrow Strait of Messina. Two main population groups are …
the Strait of Sicily and the narrow Strait of Messina. Two main population groups are …
Spatial ecology of loggerhead turtles: Insights from stable isotope markers and satellite telemetry
Aim Using a combination of satellite telemetry and stable isotope analysis (SIA), our aim was
to identify foraging grounds of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) at important rookeries in …
to identify foraging grounds of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) at important rookeries in …
Mediterranean surface currents measured with drifters: From basin to subinertial scales
Drifter observations in the Mediterranean Sea between 1986 and 2012 have allowed study
of important aspects of the surface dynamics in most areas of this marginal sea, including …
of important aspects of the surface dynamics in most areas of this marginal sea, including …