Arresting fake news sharing on social media: a theory of planned behavior approach
V Pundir, EB Devi, V Nath - Management Research Review, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine the collective impact of awareness and knowledge
about fake news, attitudes toward news verification, perceived behavioral control, subjective …
about fake news, attitudes toward news verification, perceived behavioral control, subjective …
The role of industry 4.0‐enabled data‐driven shared platform as an enabler of product‐service system in the context of circular economy: a systematic literature review …
S Atif - Business Strategy & Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The integration of innovative technologies creates a circular economy (CE) system that
enhances the value and legitimacy of their trade. Recently, many global industries have …
enhances the value and legitimacy of their trade. Recently, many global industries have …
Demystifying the effects of perceived risk and fear on customer engagement, co-creation and revisit intention during COVID-19: A protection motivation theory …
RA Rather - Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Applying protection motivation theory, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of
social media on customer brand engagement (CBE) and their consequent impact on co …
social media on customer brand engagement (CBE) and their consequent impact on co …
The impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty: The mediating role of corporate reputation, customer satisfaction, and trust
T Islam, R Islam, AH Pitafi, L ** customer brand loyalty during the pandemic: The role of brand credibility, value congruence, experience, identification, and engagement
While insight into consumer brand engagement, experience, and identification is rapidly
develo**, little remains known regarding the association of these, and related, concepts …
develo**, little remains known regarding the association of these, and related, concepts …
Corporate social responsibility and employees' voluntary pro‐environmental behavior: The role of organizational pride and employee engagement
Despite the growing significance of pro‐environmental behavior in the hospitality industry,
empirically derived insights into its predictors and outcomes remain unexplored. Drawing …
empirically derived insights into its predictors and outcomes remain unexplored. Drawing …