Large language models and their impact in ophthalmology
The advent of generative artificial intelligence and large language models has ushered in
transformative applications within medicine. Specifically in ophthalmology, large language …
transformative applications within medicine. Specifically in ophthalmology, large language …
Applications of deep learning in fundus images: A review
The use of fundus images for the early screening of eye diseases is of great clinical
importance. Due to its powerful performance, deep learning is becoming more and more …
importance. Due to its powerful performance, deep learning is becoming more and more …
Integrated image-based deep learning and language models for primary diabetes care
Primary diabetes care and diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening persist as major public
health challenges due to a shortage of trained primary care physicians (PCPs), particularly …
health challenges due to a shortage of trained primary care physicians (PCPs), particularly …
Fives: A fundus image dataset for artificial Intelligence based vessel segmentation
Retinal vasculature provides an opportunity for direct observation of vessel morphology,
which is linked to multiple clinical conditions. However, objective and quantitative …
which is linked to multiple clinical conditions. However, objective and quantitative …
Strategies for Parent Involvement During Distance Learning in Arabic Lessons in Elementary Schools.
A Kartel, M Charles, H **ao… - … : Journal International of …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
This study aims to find various obstacles, describe, and provide strategies for parents when
accompanying and providing direction to their children in distance learning. The method …
accompanying and providing direction to their children in distance learning. The method …
Retinal applications of swept source optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA)
The advent of optical coherence tomography (OCT) revolutionized both clinical assessment
and research of vitreoretinal conditions. Since then, extraordinary advances have been …
and research of vitreoretinal conditions. Since then, extraordinary advances have been …
Strategies to tackle the global burden of diabetic retinopathy: from epidemiology to artificial intelligence
Diabetes is a global public health disease projected to affect 642 million adults by 2040, with
about 75% residing in low-and middle-income countries. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) affects 1 …
about 75% residing in low-and middle-income countries. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) affects 1 …
Artificial intelligence to detect papilledema from ocular fundus photographs
Background Nonophthalmologist physicians do not confidently perform direct
ophthalmoscopy. The use of artificial intelligence to detect papilledema and other optic-disk …
ophthalmoscopy. The use of artificial intelligence to detect papilledema and other optic-disk …
[PDF][PDF] The Utilization of the Animiz Application as a Media for Arabic Language Learning on Students.
D Hikmah, G Petoukhoff… - … : Journal International of …, 2022 - academia.edu
The lack of comprehension and interest of students in the material being taught is still felt
today. Therefore, a breakthrough was created in the form of procurement of educational …
today. Therefore, a breakthrough was created in the form of procurement of educational …
Artificial intelligence for screening of multiple retinal and optic nerve diseases
Importance The lack of experienced ophthalmologists limits the early diagnosis of retinal
diseases. Artificial intelligence can be an efficient real-time way for screening retinal …
diseases. Artificial intelligence can be an efficient real-time way for screening retinal …