A review of the principles and applications of the NMR technique for near-surface characterization
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the recent advances in nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) measurements for near-surface characterization using laboratory …
resonance (NMR) measurements for near-surface characterization using laboratory …
Health and safety effects of airborne soil dust in the Americas and beyond
Risks associated with dust hazards are often underappreciated, a gap between the
knowledge pool and public awareness that can be costly for impacted communities. This …
knowledge pool and public awareness that can be costly for impacted communities. This …
An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near‐surface applications
Over the last 15 years significant advancements in induced polarization (IP) research have
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
Some low-frequency electrical methods for subsurface characterization and monitoring in hydrogeology
Low-frequency geoelectrical methods include mainly self-potential, resistivity, and induced
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
Multiscale geophysical imaging of the critical zone
Details of Earth's shallow subsurface—a key component of the critical zone (CZ)—are
largely obscured because making direct observations with sufficient density to capture …
largely obscured because making direct observations with sufficient density to capture …
Spectral induced polarization of shaly sands: Influence of the electrical double layer
A Revil - Water Resources Research, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
I developed a new model named POLARIS describing the complex conductivity of (pyrite‐
free) shaly poorly sorted sands. This model is based on the solution given by the effective …
free) shaly poorly sorted sands. This model is based on the solution given by the effective …
Biogeomorphic impacts of invasive species
Invasive species, often recognized as ecosystem engineers, can dramatically alter
geomorphic processes and landforms. Our review shows that the biogeomorphic impacts of …
geomorphic processes and landforms. Our review shows that the biogeomorphic impacts of …
[КНИГА][B] Soils and human health
EC Brevik, LC Burgess - 2012 - books.google.com
Despite the connections between soils and human health, there has not been a great
amount of attention focused on this area when compared to many other fields of scientific …
amount of attention focused on this area when compared to many other fields of scientific …
Geophysical characterisation of the groundwater–surface water interface
Interactions between groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) have important implications
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
Essentially all hydrogeological processes are strongly influenced by the subsurface spatial
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …