A review on treatment technologies for printing and dyeing wastewater (PDW)
The scarcity of clean and fresh water in some parts of the world, which is exacerbated by
man's activities either through domestic or industrial use, has been an age-old cause of …
man's activities either through domestic or industrial use, has been an age-old cause of …
Recent advances and applicable flexibility potential of electrochemical processes for wastewater treatment
This study examined> 140 relevant publications from the last few years (2018–2021). In this
study, classification was reviewed depending on the operation's progress …
study, classification was reviewed depending on the operation's progress …
Efficient treatment for landfill leachate through sequential electrocoagulation, electrooxidation and PMS/UV/CuFe2O4 process
F Ghanbari, J Wu, M Khatebasreh, D Ding… - Separation and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Landfill leachate is well known as one of the most serious environmental problems due to
the high concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds. Several methods have been …
the high concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds. Several methods have been …
A critical review of state-of-the-art electrocoagulation technique applied to COD-rich industrial wastewaters
M Mousazadeh, EK Niaragh, M Usman… - … Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
Electrocoagulation (EC) is one of the emerging technologies in groundwater and
wastewater treatment as it combines the benefits of coagulation, sedimentation, flotation …
wastewater treatment as it combines the benefits of coagulation, sedimentation, flotation …
Industrial wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation process
Treatment of wastewater from industries for meeting the effluent discharge standards is a
challenging task. Electrochemical methods, especially electrocoagulation (EC) process …
challenging task. Electrochemical methods, especially electrocoagulation (EC) process …
Implications of advanced wastewater treatment: Electrocoagulation and electroflocculation of effluent discharged from a wastewater treatment plant
In this research, wastewater treatment was inspected on a pilot-scale wastewater treatment
plant by electrochemical techniques, electrocoagulation (EC), electroflotation (EF) and …
plant by electrochemical techniques, electrocoagulation (EC), electroflotation (EF) and …
Electrocoagulation for industrial wastewater treatment: an updated review
G **g, S Ren, S Pooley, W Sun… - … : Water Research & …, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Electrocoagulation (EC) is a promising method that has been effectively employed in the
treatment of various types of industrial effluent. Its distinct advantages such as good effluent …
treatment of various types of industrial effluent. Its distinct advantages such as good effluent …
Treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater with the electrochemical oxidation process: Role of operating parameters on treatment efficiency and energy consumption
In this study, investigation of the applicability and efficiency of electrochemical oxidation
(EO) processes for slaughterhouse wastewater was targeted by evaluating the treatment …
(EO) processes for slaughterhouse wastewater was targeted by evaluating the treatment …
River water treatment using electrocoagulation for removal of acetaminophen and natural organic matter
Electrocoagulation (EC) was assessed for removal of acetaminophen and natural organic
matter (measured as UV 254) from river water. Process was assessed for time, electrode …
matter (measured as UV 254) from river water. Process was assessed for time, electrode …
Methods to alleviate the inhibition of sludge anaerobic digestion by emerging contaminants: a review
The rising occurrence of emerging contaminants in sludges both inhibits the anaerobic
digestion of sludges and induces health issues when sludges are recycled in agriculture …
digestion of sludges and induces health issues when sludges are recycled in agriculture …