Analisis kesulitan pembelajaran daring yang dialami guru dan peserta didik pada pelajaran tema 4 KD 3.10 di kelas III sekolah dasar

AK Dewi, R Rukayah, J Daryanto - Didaktika Dwija Indria, 2021 -
Analysys of online learning difficulties experienced by teachers and students in Indonesian
Theme 4 KD 3.10 subjects in class III SD N Palur 03. The purpose of this study is to describe …

Profil guru sekolah dasar dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran daring berbasis media aplikasi

HR Arumanda, R Riyadi, J Daryanto - Didaktika Dwija Indria, 2021 -
This study aims to 1) find out the profile of teachers in implementing online learning based
on application media 2) find out the obstacles experienced by teachers in implementing …

Implementasi manajemen pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi covid-19 di sekolah dasar

N Kusneini, S Marmoah, H Hadiyah - Didaktika Dwija Indria, 2022 -
This research aims to describe online learning planning, implementation of online learning,
and evaluation of online learning. The method used in this research is qualitative method …

Studi tentang jenis tugas belajar IPA materi ekosistem selama pandemi Covid-19 pada peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar

A Masruroh, S Sukarno, MI Sriyanto - Didaktika Dwija Indria -
Case study on types of ecosystem materials of science learning tasks during the COVID-19
pandemic (for class v students at SSDN Pajang 4 surakarta). This research is included in the …

Analisis kedisiplinan belajar siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar pada pembelajaran daring di era pandemi covid-19

SI Sari, S Marmoah, H Hadiyah - Didaktika Dwija Indria -
This research aims to determine the discipline of learning fifth grade student at SDN
Dukuhan Kerten No. 58 Surakarta. This research used a qualitative approach with the …

How Teachers Implement Online Physical Education Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

LH Lubay, A Shavira, W Putri - … : Journal of Teaching Physical Education in … -
Various obstacles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic occur in different sectors, including in
education where teachers are challenged to carry out different learning forms to achieve …

Pelaksanaan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) selama darurat COVID-19 di kelas V sekolah dasar

IRW Atmojo, J Daryanto - JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia): Jurnal … -
This qualitative research was made in purpose to know the implementation of BDR (Belajar
Dari Rumah) and to determine the effectiveness of BDR (Belajar Dari Rumah) in class VA …

Identifikasi permasalahan implementasi pembelajaran pada masa pandemi di sekolah dasar

GR Palupi, S Wahyuningsih… - JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2013 -
The research aims to identify implementation issues of learning at the time of the pandemic
at SDN 3 Karangsambung in 2020 based on Environment-Load Theory. The method used in …

[PDF][PDF] Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School

LH Lubay, A Shavira, W Putri - 2021 -
Education is a process to optimally develop the students according to the potential and
value system adopted in society (Taufik, 2014). The COVID-19 pandemic causes problems …