Introduction to holographic superconductor models
In the last years it has been shown that some properties of strongly coupled
superconductors can be potentially described by classical general relativity living in one …
superconductors can be potentially described by classical general relativity living in one …
[BOK][B] Holographic quantum matter
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
Lectures on holographic non-Fermi liquids and quantum phase transitions
In these lecture notes we review some recent attempts in searching for non-Fermi liquids
and novel quantum phase transitions in holographic systems using gauge/gravity duality …
and novel quantum phase transitions in holographic systems using gauge/gravity duality …
[BOK][B] Applied holography: a practical mini-course
M Baggioli - 2019 - Springer
SpringerBriefs in Physics are a series of slim high-quality publications encompassing the
entire spectrum of physics. Manuscripts for SpringerBriefs in Physics will be evaluated by …
entire spectrum of physics. Manuscripts for SpringerBriefs in Physics will be evaluated by …
[BOK][B] Horizons, holography and condensed matter
SA Hartnoll - 2012 - books.google.com
Consistent theories of quantum gravity in spacetimes that asymptote to anti-de Sitter (AdS)
spacetime are equivalent to quantum field theories defined on the conformal boundary of the …
spacetime are equivalent to quantum field theories defined on the conformal boundary of the …
Metal-insulator transition by holographic charge density waves
We construct a gravity dual for charge density waves (CDWs) in which the translational
symmetry along one spatial direction is spontaneously broken. Our linear perturbation …
symmetry along one spatial direction is spontaneously broken. Our linear perturbation …
Vortex motion quantifies strong dissipation in a holographic superfluid
P Wittmer, CM Schmied, T Gasenzer, C Ewerz - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
Holographic duality provides a description of strongly coupled quantum systems in terms of
weakly coupled gravitational theories in a higher-dimensional space. It is a challenge …
weakly coupled gravitational theories in a higher-dimensional space. It is a challenge …
A holographic perspective on phonons and pseudo-phonons
A bstract We analyze the concomitant spontaneous breaking of translation and conformal
symmetries by introducing in a CFT a complex scalar operator that acquires a spatially …
symmetries by introducing in a CFT a complex scalar operator that acquires a spatially …
Higher-form symmetries, anomalous magnetohydrodynamics, and holography
Abstract In $ U (1) $ Abelian gauge theory coupled to fermions, the non-conservation of the
axial current due to the chiral anomaly is given by a dynamical operator $ F_ {\mu\nu}\tilde …
axial current due to the chiral anomaly is given by a dynamical operator $ F_ {\mu\nu}\tilde …
The 3+ 1 holographic superconductor with Weyl corrections
In this Letter we study 3+ 1 holographic superconductors with Weyl corrections. We find that
the critical temperature of a superconductor with Weyl corrections increases as we amplify …
the critical temperature of a superconductor with Weyl corrections increases as we amplify …