[PDF][PDF] The impact of transformational and transactional leadership style on employee job satisfaction

A Skopak, N Hadzaihmetovic - International Journal of Business …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this study is to research and examine the relationship between leadership
styles and job satisfaction of employees in the food industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As …

Innovation capabilities and human development competitiveness in education sector: Evidence from UAE

AMZ Al Dulaimi, SM Al Marzooqi, A Lubis… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Innovation capabilities and human development in education sector is one of the key
focused areas in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The current research is …

[PDF][PDF] Performing Arts in the Landscape of Cultural Tourism: A Mini-Review

CAN Mazlan, MH Abdullah, N Hashim… - … Journal of Religion, 2024 - researchgate.net
Cultural tourism represents a significant sector with considerable economic and educational
benefits for both domestic and international visitors. Despite its intersection with various …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of intrinsic rewards on employee engagement in the food industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

L Pandzic, N Hadziahmetovic - International Journal of …, 2022 - kkgpublications.com
Rewards ensure that employees can form strong, meaningful bonds with the organization
they are working in. It plays an important role when it comes to motivation and creating …

Tingkat Stress Akademik Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Daring pada Periode Pandemi Covid-19

IS Oktariani, R Sofah, RM Putri - Journal of Learning and Instructional …, 2021 - jlis.iicet.org
Institusi pendidikan baik itu dari tingkat pendidikan dasar hingga perguruan tinggi terpaksa
ditutup untuk sementara waktu karena penyebaran Corona Virus 2019 (Covid-19). Tujuan …

A longitudinal study on international brand perceptions and outcomes among entrepreneurship & EMBA students in Taiwan: moderating role of students' attitude …

CH Chou, SC Lee, YK Kuo - Current Psychology, 2024 - Springer
The current study aims to investigate the influence of international brand perceptions and
outcomes among entrepreneurship & EMBA students in Taiwan and moderating role of …

[PDF][PDF] Skills, Confidence and Challenges in Speaking English among Indigenous College Students

NSM Baracheta - International Journal of Religion, 2024 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The study tried to assess the skills, confidence, and challenges in speaking English among
indigenous people college students and utilized descriptive research method. 526 …

New Era of Pedagogic Learning: A Systematic Review

H Setiani, Y Ruhiat, S Amin, RC Zulviah… - Journal of Advanced …, 2022 - jarssh.com
Aim: The fourth industrial revolution was characterized by the pervasive application of
technology in many spheres of daily life, including education. Regarding learning …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of Legal Education Provisions in China's Vocational Law on Students' Compliance Attitudes in Zhejiang

C **a, M Niu - Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 2024 - pjlss.edu.pk
This study highlights the importance of China's vocational education law in bringing
vocational education into line with changing legal and societal expectationsbyexamininghowthelawaffects …