TOOLympics 2019: An overview of competitions in formal methods

E Bartocci, D Beyer, PE Black, G Fedyukovich… - Tools and Algorithms for …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Evaluation of scientific contributions can be done in many different ways. For the
various research communities working on the verification of systems (software, hardware, or …

A benchmarks library for extended parametric timed automata

É André, D Marinho, J van de Pol - International Conference on Tests and …, 2021 - Springer
Parametric timed automata are a powerful formalism for reasoning on concurrent real-time
systems with unknown or uncertain timing constants. In order to test the efficiency of new …

[PDF][PDF] Compositional automata learning of synchronous systems

T Neele, M Sammartino - International Conference on …, 2023 -
Automata learning is a technique to infer an automaton model of a black-box system via
queries to the system. In recent years it has found widespread use both in industry and …

Formale Methoden für rekonfigurierbare cyber-physische Systeme in der Produktion

M Grochowski, H Simon, D Bohlender… - at …, 2020 -
Durch zunehmende Agilität im Entwicklungsprozess, kürzere Lebenszyklen und sich
ändernde Kunden-und Gesetzgeberanforderungen müssen Produktionssysteme …

Implementing a CTL Model Checker with , a Language for Programming Graph Neural Networks

M Belenchia, F Corradini, M Quadrini… - … Conference on Formal …, 2023 - Springer
A graph neural network is a deep learning architecture operating on graph-structured data.
While they have achieved impressive results in many application domains, their applicability …

SMPT: a testbed for reachability methods in generalized Petri nets

N Amat, SD Zilio - International Symposium on Formal Methods, 2023 - Springer
Abstract SMPT (for Satisfiability Modulo Petri Net) is a model checker for reachability
problems in Petri nets. It started as a portfolio of methods to experiment with symbolic model …

libmg: A Python library for programming graph neural networks in μG

M Belenchia, F Corradini, M Quadrini… - Science of Computer …, 2024 - Elsevier
Graph neural networks have proven their effectiveness across a wide spectrum of graph-
based tasks. Despite their successes, they share the same limitations as other deep learning …

On the combination of polyhedral abstraction and SMT-based model checking for Petri nets

N Amat, B Berthomieu, S Dal Zilio - … on Applications and Theory of Petri …, 2021 - Springer
We define a method for taking advantage of net reductions in combination with a SMT-based
model checker. We prove the correctness of this method using a new notion of equivalence …

Property directed reachability for generalized petri nets

N Amat, SD Zilio, T Hujsa - … Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the …, 2022 - Springer
We propose a semi-decision procedure for checking generalized reachability properties, on
generalized Petri nets, that is based on the Property Directed Reachability (PDR) method …

Project and Conquer: Fast Quantifier Elimination for Checking Petri Net Reachability

N Amat, S Dal Zilio, D Le Botlan - International Conference on Verification …, 2023 - Springer
We propose a method for checking generalized reachability properties in Petri nets that
takes advantage of structural reductions and that can be used, transparently, as a pre …