Wave propagation and channel modeling in chip-scale wireless communications: A survey from millimeter-wave to terahertz and optics
The miniaturization of transceivers and antennas is enabling the development of Wireless
Networks-on-Chip (WNoC), in which chip-scale communication is utilized to increase the …
Networks-on-Chip (WNoC), in which chip-scale communication is utilized to increase the …
Engineer the channel and adapt to it: Enabling wireless intra-chip communication
Ubiquitous multicore processors nowadays rely on an integrated packet-switched network
for cores to exchange and share data. The performance of these intra-chip networks is a key …
for cores to exchange and share data. The performance of these intra-chip networks is a key …
TSV antennas for multi-band wireless communication
On-chip wireless links offer improved network performance due to long distance
communication, additional bandwidth, and broadcasting capabilities of antennas. This work …
communication, additional bandwidth, and broadcasting capabilities of antennas. This work …
[PDF][PDF] Detection of Wireless Traffic Bandwidth for Automatic Communication Protocol Selection in Wireless Network-on-Chip Systems
V Fernando, A Franques, K Joshi - 2020 - afranques.com
Recent computer architecture trends herald the arrival of massive multiprocessors with more
than a thousand cores within a single chip. In this context, as parallel programs continue to …
than a thousand cores within a single chip. In this context, as parallel programs continue to …
[PDF][PDF] Wave Propagation and Channel Modeling in Chip-Scale Wireless Communications: A Survey from Millimeter-Wave to Terahertz and Optics
JM JORNET - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The miniaturization of transceivers and antennas is enabling the development of Wireless
Networks-on-Chip (WNoC), in which chip-scale communication is utilized to increase the …
Networks-on-Chip (WNoC), in which chip-scale communication is utilized to increase the …
Fuzzy-token: An adaptive Mac protocol for wireless network-on-chip
AM Franques Garcia - 2019 - ideals.illinois.edu
Recent computer architecture trends herald the arrival of massive multiprocessors with more
than a thousand processor cores within a single chip. In this context, as parallel programs …
than a thousand processor cores within a single chip. In this context, as parallel programs …
Modelat de canal multibanda per comunicacions sense fils a nivell de xip
M Díaz Soto - 2022 - upcommons.upc.edu
La necessitat de millorar el rendiment dels processadors ens ha portat a voler implementar
xarxes sense fils dins dels xips. Per això és necessari conèixer el canal. En la meva tesi …
xarxes sense fils dins dels xips. Per això és necessari conèixer el canal. En la meva tesi …