Solid state transformers: Concepts, classification, and control
Increase in global energy demand and constraints from fossil fuels have encouraged a
growing share of renewable energy resources in the utility grid. Accordingly, an increased …
growing share of renewable energy resources in the utility grid. Accordingly, an increased …
[HTML][HTML] FEM based preliminary design optimization in case of large power transformers
Since large power transformers are custom-made, and their design process is a labor-
intensive task, their design process is split into different parts. In tendering, the price …
intensive task, their design process is split into different parts. In tendering, the price …
Role of collaborative robots in industry 4.0 with target on education in industrial engineering
The first part of this paper firstly theoretically presents first three industrial revolutions, main
inventions and their impact on society and industry development. Then, Industry 4.0 is …
inventions and their impact on society and industry development. Then, Industry 4.0 is …
Justification and development of methods building curves boundary deformation of metals
SL Gundebommu, M Victor, R Olena, B Yurii - Materials Today …, 2021 - Elsevier
The problems of constructing boundary deformation curves are related to the difficulty of
maintaining the constancy value of the indicator of the condition material during the test …
maintaining the constancy value of the indicator of the condition material during the test …
Semi-analytical solution for a multi-objective team benchmark problem
Benchmarking is essential for testing new numerical analysis codes. Their solution is crucial
both for testing the partial differential equation solvers and both for the optimization methods …
both for testing the partial differential equation solvers and both for the optimization methods …
Machinery maintenance model for evaluating and increasing maintenance, repairs and operations within Industry 4.0 concept
Machinery maintenance is a crucial part of every manufacturing organization, As production,
as maintenance evolved through the history. The upcoming 4th Industrial revolution has also …
as maintenance evolved through the history. The upcoming 4th Industrial revolution has also …
An efficient procedure for temperature calculation of high current leads in large power transformers
This article presents an efficient methodology for calculating the steady-state temperature of
high current busbar leads (HCBL) oil-immersed in large power transformers. The …
high current busbar leads (HCBL) oil-immersed in large power transformers. The …
Non-linear Impact of the Short Circuit Impedance Selection on the Cost Optimized Power Transformer Design
Since the electrical machine design is a complex task it can be divided into sub-problems,
eg preliminary and final design processes and checking of the final design. This paper deals …
eg preliminary and final design processes and checking of the final design. This paper deals …
Method for Calculating Efficiency of Distribution Transformers Using Semi-Constant Coefficients and Taking Into Account Interdependence of its Parameters and …
SS Kostinskiy - 2024 International Conference on Industrial …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Power transformers operated in electrical distribution grids shall be optimally integrated into
the grid with the existing load for the minimum cost of energy transformation. At any given …
the grid with the existing load for the minimum cost of energy transformation. At any given …
[PDF][PDF] Methodology for specification of generator step-up transformers in photovoltaic power plants based on real loading profile
This research presents a methodology for dimensioning the top-rated for the collected step-
up power transformer applied in the large photovoltaic power plant through many technical …
up power transformer applied in the large photovoltaic power plant through many technical …