Nonlinear Fourier transform for optical data processing and transmission: advances and perspectives
Fiber-optic communication systems are nowadays facing serious challenges due to the fast
growing demand on capacity from various new applications and services. It is now well …
growing demand on capacity from various new applications and services. It is now well …
Soliton distillation of pulses from a fiber laser
An elegant method of nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) has attracted worldwide research
interests and such NFT methodology provides a new viewpoint on the physics of laser …
interests and such NFT methodology provides a new viewpoint on the physics of laser …
Nonlinear Fourier transform enabled eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation
Fiber lasers are a paradigm of dissipative systems, which distinguish themselves from a
Hamilton system where energy is conservative. Consequently, pulses generated in a fiber …
Hamilton system where energy is conservative. Consequently, pulses generated in a fiber …
A prince for the slee** beauty-NFT for soliton signal processing
The soliton, the eigen-solution of nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE), has been
investigated in many branches of physics. The first prediction of a soliton in optical fiber …
investigated in many branches of physics. The first prediction of a soliton in optical fiber …
Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing with b-modulation: shifting the energy barrier
The recently proposed b-modulation method for nonlinear Fourier transform-based fiber-
optic transmission offers explicit control over the duration of the generated pulses and …
optic transmission offers explicit control over the duration of the generated pulses and …
10.83 Tb/s over 800 Km nonlinear frequency division multiplexing WDM transmission
Nonlinear frequency division multiplexing (NFDM) transmission scheme has attracted great
interest in optical fiber communication systems due to its potential for surpassing the Kerr …
interest in optical fiber communication systems due to its potential for surpassing the Kerr …
Multi-symbol digital signal processing techniques for discrete eigenvalue transmissions based on nonlinear Fourier transform
Optical communications based on Nonlinear Fourier Transform (NFT) and digital coherent
transceivers are proposed as a new theoretical framework for communications over the …
transceivers are proposed as a new theoretical framework for communications over the …
Silicon photonic integrated circuits for soliton based long haul optical communication
A Moscoso-Mártir, J Koch, O Schulz… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We demonstrate a silicon photonic transmitter for soliton-based communications enabling
the interleaving of QPSK and APSK modulated soliton pulses overlap** in both the time …
the interleaving of QPSK and APSK modulated soliton pulses overlap** in both the time …
Exponential fourth order schemes for direct Zakharov-Shabat problem
Nowadays, improving the accuracy of computational methods to solve the initial value
problem of the Zakharov-Shabat system remains an urgent problem in optics. In particular …
problem of the Zakharov-Shabat system remains an urgent problem in optics. In particular …
Improving soliton transmission systems through soliton interactions
Nonlinear interactions between neighboring pulses has always been a fundamental
bottleneck in soliton transmission systems. Recently, coherent transceivers, digital signal …
bottleneck in soliton transmission systems. Recently, coherent transceivers, digital signal …