Revisiting the role of HR in the age of AI: bringing humans and machines closer together in the workplace
The functions of human resource management (HRM) have changed radically in the past 20
years due to market and technological forces, becoming more cross-functional and data …
years due to market and technological forces, becoming more cross-functional and data …
[HTML][HTML] Clarifying knowledge withholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
Abstract Knowledge withholding (KW) is a relatively recent multidimensional construct in the
knowledge management literature. A diverse and polymathic series of studies has aimed to …
knowledge management literature. A diverse and polymathic series of studies has aimed to …
Elongating nexus between workplace factors and knowledge hiding behavior: mediating role of job anxiety
Purpose The study objective is to investigate the relationship between workplace ostracism,
workplace incivility, and knowledge hiding behavior (evasive hiding, playing dumb …
workplace incivility, and knowledge hiding behavior (evasive hiding, playing dumb …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring knowledge sharing and hiding on employees' creative behaviors: A coopetition perspective
G Yao, H Zhao, Y Hu, X Zheng - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2023 - Elsevier
Employees are encouraged to share their knowledge to stimulate creativity and innovation.
However, individuals may hide their knowledge to pursue personal interests. Drawing on the …
However, individuals may hide their knowledge to pursue personal interests. Drawing on the …
Bystanders' reactions to leader knowledge hiding: The roles of moral disengagement and moral identity
Purpose This study aims to explore the trickle-down effect of leader knowledge hiding from
the perspective of bystanders. Based on social cognitive theory, this study developed and …
the perspective of bystanders. Based on social cognitive theory, this study developed and …
Antecedents and consequences of perpetrator-centric knowledge hiding within organizations: a cross-cultural meta-analytic review and implications for human …
M **ao - The InTernaTIonal Journal of human resource …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
As knowledge hiding has become an increasingly widespread phenomenon within
organizations, there has been a dramatic increase in research on this topic over the past two …
organizations, there has been a dramatic increase in research on this topic over the past two …
Does organizational justice facet matters in knowledge hiding?
To address the gap of extant literature and to assess employees' in-role and innovative
performance, a model was developed and tested through organizational justice facets …
performance, a model was developed and tested through organizational justice facets …
[HTML][HTML] A meta-analysis of knowledge hiding behavior in organizations: Antecedents, consequences, and boundary conditions
In this meta-analysis study, we propose a comprehensive framework for investigating the
factors related to knowledge-hiding (KH) behavior, and the boundary conditions in those …
factors related to knowledge-hiding (KH) behavior, and the boundary conditions in those …
Job insecurity amid the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A systematic review and research agenda
H Gupta, RL Dhar - Employee Relations: The International Journal, 2024 -
Purpose The catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have considerably impacted
the labour market and increased job insecurity among workers. This study systematically …
the labour market and increased job insecurity among workers. This study systematically …
Working from home during COVID-19 and its impact on Indian employees' stress and creativity
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented turmoil necessitating nations to
impose lockdowns. Thus, organizations forced employees to work from home (WFH) by …
impose lockdowns. Thus, organizations forced employees to work from home (WFH) by …