Non-destructive techniques (NDT) for the diagnosis of heritage buildings: Traditional procedures and futures perspectives

B Tejedor, E Lucchi, D Bienvenido-Huertas, I Nardi - Energy and Buildings, 2022 - Elsevier
It is estimated that EU cultural heritage (CH) buildings represent 30% of the total existing
stock. Nevertheless, all actions in terms of refurbishment need a deep knowledge based on …

Applications of the infrared thermography in the energy audit of buildings: A review

E Lucchi - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
From a wide range of bibliography (148 publications composed by books, guidelines,
scientific papers, and other documents), the study presents a critical review of the use of the …

Passive building energy savings: A review of building envelope components

SB Sadineni, S Madala, RF Boehm - Renewable and sustainable energy …, 2011 - Elsevier
A significant portion of the total primary energy is consumed by today's buildings in
developed countries. In many of these buildings, the energy consumption can be …

Ventilation in European dwellings: A review

C Dimitroulopoulou - Building and Environment, 2012 - Elsevier
Adequate ventilation is essential for the health and comfort of building occupants. This
review examines, first of all, why residential ventilation is an issue of concern in Europe and …

Effect of architectural building design parameters on thermal comfort and energy consumption in higher education buildings

S Alghamdi, W Tang, S Kanjanabootra, D Alterman - Buildings, 2022 -
It has been challenging for designers to identify the appropriate design parameters that
would reduce building energy consumption while achieving thermal comfort for building …

The effect of passive measures on thermal comfort and energy conservation. A case study of the hot summer and cold winter climate in the Yangtze River region

R Yao, V Costanzo, X Li, Q Zhang, B Li - Journal of Building Engineering, 2018 - Elsevier
The energy consumption for heating and cooling of buildings in the cities located within the
boundaries of the Hot Summer and Cold Winter (HSCW) zone in China is rapidly increasing …

On the thermal performance of low income housing during heat waves

A Sakka, M Santamouris, I Livada, F Nicol… - Energy and Buildings, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the indoor thermal conditions in fifty low income non air conditioned
houses in Athens, Greece, during the extremely hot summer of 2007. Hourly indoor …

Air infiltration and related building energy consumption: A case study of office buildings in Changsha, China

J Hu, Z Liu, G Ma, G Zhang, Z Ai - Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Past studies reveal that air infiltration through the building envelope and its impact on the
indoor environment and energy consumption are significantly influenced by climate …

Indoor environmental quality in French dwellings and building characteristics

S Langer, O Ramalho, M Derbez, J Ribéron… - Atmospheric …, 2016 - Elsevier
A national survey on indoor environmental quality covering 567 residences in mainland
France was performed during 2003–2005. The measured parameters were temperature …

Factors influencing airtightness and airtightness predictive models: A literature review

M Prignon, G Van Moeseke - Energy and Buildings, 2017 - Elsevier
In recent decades there has been a growing awareness regarding energy consumption in
buildings. Unfortunately, at a time when all building actors should get involved in the …