[HTML][HTML] Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
The metaverse has the potential to extend the physical world using augmented and virtual
reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated …
reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated …
Secure artificial intelligence of things for implicit group recommendations
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) has provided novel insights for
many social computing applications, such as group recommender systems. As the distances …
many social computing applications, such as group recommender systems. As the distances …
A POI group recommendation method in location-based social networks based on user influence
Group recommendation has attracted researchers' attention in various domains, specifically
such approaches utilizing location-based social networks (LBSNs). However, point of …
such approaches utilizing location-based social networks (LBSNs). However, point of …
Hybrid POI group recommender system based on group type in LBSN
Point of interest (POI) group recommender systems (GRSs) aim to suggest places for a
group of users. Compared to recommender systems for individual users, GPRs are more …
group of users. Compared to recommender systems for individual users, GPRs are more …
Towards comprehensive profile aggregation methods for group recommendation based on the latent factor model
LNH Nam - 2021 - dl.acm.org
The aggregation of group members' profiles is an extremely important step in group
recommender systems, as it represents the whole group as a single virtual user, and is the …
recommender systems, as it represents the whole group as a single virtual user, and is the …
Exploiting context-awareness and multi-criteria decision making to improve items recommendation using a tripartite graph-based model
Integrating useful input information is essential to provide efficient recommendations to
users. In this work, we focus on improving items ratings prediction by merging both multiple …
users. In this work, we focus on improving items ratings prediction by merging both multiple …
Behavior‐based POI recommendation for small groups in location‐based social networks
In point‐of‐interest (POI) group recommender systems, suggesting the most suitable visit
places for a heterogeneous group in which members are far from each other would be …
places for a heterogeneous group in which members are far from each other would be …
A personality-guided preference aggregator for ephemeral group recommendation
Ephemeral group recommendation (EGR) aims to suggest items for a group of users who
come together for the first time. Existing work typically consider individual preferences as the …
come together for the first time. Existing work typically consider individual preferences as the …
Implicit feedback-based group recommender system for internet of things applications
With the prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT)-based social media applications, the distance
among people has been greatly shortened. As a result, recommender systems in IoT-based …
among people has been greatly shortened. As a result, recommender systems in IoT-based …
An interdisciplinary review of ephemerality for information systems research
Ephemerality should be a significant concept for the information systems (IS) discipline but
has not been developed as such. On the one hand, ephemerality is considered a …
has not been developed as such. On the one hand, ephemerality is considered a …