Ion acoustic solitary wave solutions of two‐dimensional nonlinear Kadomtsev–Petviashvili–Burgers equation in quantum plasma

AR Seadawy - Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Propagation of two‐dimensional nonlinear ion‐acoustic solitary waves and shocks in a
dissipative quantum plasma is analyzed. By applying the reductive perturbation theory, the …

Electron-acoustic solitary waves in a relativistically degenerate quantum plasma with two-temperature electrons

S Chandra, SN Paul, B Ghosh - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013 - Springer
Using the Quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) type solitary
excitations of electron-acoustic waves (EAWs) have been examined in a two-electron …

[PDF][PDF] Electrostatic shock fronts in two-component plasma and its evolution into rogue wave type solitary structures

A Mukhopadhyay, D Bagui… - The African Review of …, 2021 -
Here, in this paper, the One Dimensional Quantum Hydrodynamic (QHD) model is used to
investigate electrostatic-acoustic solitary wave structures in two-component plasma (ion and …

Modulational instability of electron-acoustic waves in relativistically degenerate quantum plasma

S Chandra, B Ghosh - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012 - Springer
Using the Quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model the modulational instability of electron-
acoustic waves (EAWs) has been examined theoretically by deriving a nonlinear …

Relativistic effects on the modulational instability of electron plasma waves in quantum plasma

B Ghosh, S Chandra, SN Paul - Pramana, 2012 - Springer
Relativistic effects on the linear and nonlinear properties of electron plasma waves are
investigated using the one-dimensional quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model for a two …

Linear and nonlinear quantum ion-acoustic waves in dense magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas

SA Khan, W Masood - Physics of Plasmas, 2008 -
The linear and nonlinear quantum ion-acoustic waves propagating obliquely in two
dimensions in superdense, magnetized electron-positron-ion quantum plasma are …

Amplitude modulation of electron plasma waves in a quantum plasma

B Ghosh, S Chandra, SN Paul - Physics of plasmas, 2011 -
Using the one dimensional quantum hydrodynamic model for a two-component electron-ion
dense quantum plasma the linear and nonlinear properties of electron plasma waves are …

Freak waves and electrostatic wavepacket modulation in a quantum electron–positron–ion plasma

M McKerr, I Kourakis, F Haas - Plasma Physics and Controlled …, 2014 -
The occurrence of rogue waves (freak waves) associated with electrostatic wavepacket
propagation in a quantum electron–positron–ion plasma is investigated from first principles …

Quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves: The effect of exchange correlation

K Ourabah, M Tribeche - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2013 - APS
Quantum ion-acoustic solitary waves are studied by considering the effects of exchange and
correlation for the electrons. Starting from one-dimensional quantum hydrodynamic …

Cylindrical and spherical dust ion-acoustic Gardner solitons in a quantum plasma

MM Hossain, AA Mamun, KS Ashrafi - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 -
The properties of nonplanar (cylindrical and spherical) quantum dust ion-acoustic (QDIA)
solitary waves in an unmagnetized quantum dusty plasma, whose constituents are inertial …