A pedagogical review on solvable irrelevant deformations of 2D quantum field theory
Y Jiang - Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
This is a pedagogical review on TT deformation of two dimensional quantum field theories. It
is based on three lectures which the author gave at ITP-CAS in December 2018. This review …
is based on three lectures which the author gave at ITP-CAS in December 2018. This review …
Soliton gas in integrable dispersive hydrodynamics
A El Gennady - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the spectral theory of soliton gases in integrable dispersive hydrodynamic
systems. We first present a phenomenological approach based on the consideration of …
systems. We first present a phenomenological approach based on the consideration of …
Correlation functions and transport coefficients in generalised hydrodynamics
We review the recent advances on exact results for dynamical correlation functions at large
scales and related transport coefficients in interacting integrable models. We discuss Drude …
scales and related transport coefficients in interacting integrable models. We discuss Drude …
[HTML][HTML] Gravity and TT‾ flows in higher dimensions
We study systems in arbitrary space-time dimensions where matter, deformed by TT‾-like
irrelevant operators, is coupled to gravity in the Palatini formalism. The dynamically …
irrelevant operators, is coupled to gravity in the Palatini formalism. The dynamically …
Pseudo entropy of primary operators in -deformed CFTs
A bstract In this work, we investigate the time evolution of the pseudo-(Rényi) entropy after
local primary operator quenches in 2D CFTs with\(T\overline {T}/J\overline {T}\)-deformation …
local primary operator quenches in 2D CFTs with\(T\overline {T}/J\overline {T}\)-deformation …
Rule 54: Exactly solvable model of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
We review recent results on an exactly solvable model of nonequilibrium statistical
mechanics, specifically the classical rule 54 reversible cellular automaton and some of its …
mechanics, specifically the classical rule 54 reversible cellular automaton and some of its …
deformations and the width of fundamental particles
J Cardy, B Doyon - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract We provide a simple geometric meaning for deformations of so-called\(T\overline
{T}\) type in relativistic and non-relativistic systems. Deformations by the cross products of …
{T}\) type in relativistic and non-relativistic systems. Deformations by the cross products of …
Entanglement entropy from form factors in -deformed integrable quantum field theories
A bstract In two recent papers [1, 2] we have proposed a program of study which allows us to
compute the correlation functions of local and semi-local fields in generalised\(\textrm …
compute the correlation functions of local and semi-local fields in generalised\(\textrm …
On the representation of minimal form factors in integrable quantum field theory
In this paper, we propose a new representation of the minimal form factors in integrable
quantum field theories. These are solutions of the two-particle form factor equations, which …
quantum field theories. These are solutions of the two-particle form factor equations, which …
Holographic deformed entanglement entropy in
D Chen, X Jiang, H Yang - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
Holographic TTdeformed entanglement entropy in dS3/CFT2 Page 1 Holographic TT deformed
entanglement entropy in dS3=CFT2 Deyou Chen ,1,2,* **n Jiang ,3,† and Haitang Yang3,‡ …
entanglement entropy in dS3=CFT2 Deyou Chen ,1,2,* **n Jiang ,3,† and Haitang Yang3,‡ …