Quo vadis, international long-distance railway services? Evidence from Central Europe
International railway passenger services have seen considerable changes in Europe over
the past few decades. Using international railway connections within and reaching outside …
the past few decades. Using international railway connections within and reaching outside …
[HTML][HTML] The evaluation of transport exclusion in the peripheral cross-border areas of Central Europe in the context of applicability of information-based carpooling
M Baran, DJ Augustyn - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
The phenomenon of social exclusion caused by transport exclusion is one of the main
causes of social problems in peripheral areas, as well as a major organizational challenge …
causes of social problems in peripheral areas, as well as a major organizational challenge …
[PDF][PDF] Verejná doprava ako indikátor medzisídelných väzieb medzi mestami Slovenska
M Horňák, T Pšenka - Geografický časopis, 2013 - sav.sk
Spatial interactions including interurban relationships have always been principal in
geographical research. Public transport networks represent spatial elements employing …
geographical research. Public transport networks represent spatial elements employing …
[PDF][PDF] Vybrané prístupy k hodnoteniu dopravnej dostupnosti vo vzťahu k rozvoju cestovného ruchu
D Michniak - Geografický časopis, 2014 - sav.sk
Transport accessibility can be considered one of the most important factors for the
development of tourism. This paper presents selected approaches to the study of …
development of tourism. This paper presents selected approaches to the study of …
[PDF][PDF] Vliv dopravní dostupnosti území na ekonomický a regionální rozvoj v České republice
F CHVÁTAL - 2018 - is.muni.cz
Doprava je jedním z významných faktorů, které mají vliv na socioekonomickou úroveň
regionu a prostorové interakce ve společnosti. Tento předpoklad můžeme uplatnit jak ve …
regionu a prostorové interakce ve společnosti. Tento předpoklad můžeme uplatnit jak ve …
Spatial differences in public transport accessibility of district centres in the Prešov region, Slovakia
V Székely, J Novotný - Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 2019 - ceeol.com
The issue of public transport accessibility of localities and regions is one of the key research
themes of transport geography. The EU defines public transport as one of the services of …
themes of transport geography. The EU defines public transport as one of the services of …
Evaluation of high-standard public transport centres in the Slovak Republic
M Horňák, P Struhár, T Pšenka - Bulletin of Geography. Socio …, 2015 - apcz.umk.pl
Despite of increasing volumes of individual passenger transport and growing dependence
of the post-socialist societies on the passenger car, public transport is still inevitable for …
of the post-socialist societies on the passenger car, public transport is still inevitable for …
Transport-related problems of Bratislava city and its suburbanregion
D Michniak - Przegląd Geograficzny, 2020 - rcin.org.pl
Increased daily mobility between Bratislava and its hinterland combines with mobility within
the city to put demands on the transport system. The massive increase in road transport …
the city to put demands on the transport system. The massive increase in road transport …
Relative accessibility of district centres in Slovakia by public transport in 2003 and 2017
D Michniak, V Székely - 2019 - ceeol.com
Transformation of the transport system in Slovakia after 1989 has influenced the pattern of
public transport. This article focuses on the analysis of public transport accessibility in district …
public transport. This article focuses on the analysis of public transport accessibility in district …
Urban public transportation systems in 26 selected Czech municipalities are studied using
their timetables, location of stops, and price survey. The methodology of their processing is …
their timetables, location of stops, and price survey. The methodology of their processing is …