A survey of honeypots and honeynets for internet of things, industrial internet of things, and cyber-physical systems
The Internet of Things (IoT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and Cyber-Physical
Systems (CPS) have become essential for our daily lives in contexts such as our homes …
Systems (CPS) have become essential for our daily lives in contexts such as our homes …
Evasion attack and defense on machine learning models in cyber-physical systems: A survey
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are increasingly relying on machine learning (ML)
techniques to reduce labor costs and improve efficiency. However, the adoption of ML also …
techniques to reduce labor costs and improve efficiency. However, the adoption of ML also …
[HTML][HTML] Spear siem: A security information and event management system for the smart grid
The technological leap of smart technologies has brought the conventional electrical grid in
a new digital era called Smart Grid (SG), providing multiple benefits, such as two-way …
a new digital era called Smart Grid (SG), providing multiple benefits, such as two-way …
[HTML][HTML] Don't get stung, cover your ICS in honey: How do honeypots fit within industrial control system security
The advent of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing has led to an increased convergence of
traditional manufacturing and production technologies with IP communications. Legacy …
traditional manufacturing and production technologies with IP communications. Legacy …
Detection and localization of stealthy cyberattacks in cyber-physical discrete event systems
The widespread use of cyber-physical systems not only brings new opportunities with it but
also introduces the risk of cyberattacks on the system. One of the most dangerous and …
also introduces the risk of cyberattacks on the system. One of the most dangerous and …
Honeyics: A high-interaction physics-aware honeynet for industrial control systems
Industrial control systems (ICSs) are vulnerable to cyber-physical attacks, ie, security
breaches in cyberspace that adversely affect the underlying physical processes. In this …
breaches in cyberspace that adversely affect the underlying physical processes. In this …
NeuPot: A neural network-based honeypot for detecting cyber threats in industrial control systems
Honeypots have proven to be an effective defense method for industrial control systems
(ICSs). However, as attacker skills become more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly …
(ICSs). However, as attacker skills become more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly …
A review on distributed denial of service attack in smart grid
The improvement of Cyber-Physical-Systems and the incorporation of Information and
Communication Technologies into the traditional power systems led to development of …
Communication Technologies into the traditional power systems led to development of …
A survey of anomaly detection methods for power grids
The power grid is a constant target for attacks as they have the potential to affect a large
geographical location, thus affecting hundreds of thousands of customers. With the advent of …
geographical location, thus affecting hundreds of thousands of customers. With the advent of …
Secure and private smart grid: The spear architecture
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of Critical
Infrastructures (CIs), bringing both significant pros and cons. Focusing our attention on the …
Infrastructures (CIs), bringing both significant pros and cons. Focusing our attention on the …