Complex genetics of female fertility
Variation in reproductive lifespan and female fertility have implications for health, population
size and ageing. Fertility declines well before general signs of menopause and is also …
size and ageing. Fertility declines well before general signs of menopause and is also …
[PDF][PDF] The Utah population database
KR Smith, GP Mineau - The legacy of four decades of …, 2021 - library.oapen.org
© 2021, Smith, Mineau This open-access work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, reproduction & distribution in any …
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, reproduction & distribution in any …
Maternal capacity, twinning and fertility: the last birth matters
Background Twinning in humans occurs at low but variable rates within and among
populations worldwide 1, 2. Dizygotic (DZ) twinning rates are heritable 3 and increase with …
populations worldwide 1, 2. Dizygotic (DZ) twinning rates are heritable 3 and increase with …
The impact of multiple births on fertility: Stop** and spacing in the United States during the demographic transition
Multiple births strain mothers' and families' resources in ways that should highlight
preferences for family size, birth spacing, and parity-dependent stop** behavior. Couples …
preferences for family size, birth spacing, and parity-dependent stop** behavior. Couples …
Reproductive history and later-life comorbidity trajectories: A Medicare-linked cohort study from the Utah Population Database
Reproductive lives of men and women may provide significant insight into later-life morbidity
and mortality. Sociological, biological, and evolutionary theories predict a relationship …
and mortality. Sociological, biological, and evolutionary theories predict a relationship …
Mothers with higher twinning propensity had lower fertility in pre-industrial Europe
Historically, mothers producing twins gave birth, on average, more often than non-twinners.
This observation has been interpreted as twinners having higher intrinsic fertility–a tendency …
This observation has been interpreted as twinners having higher intrinsic fertility–a tendency …
Twinning and multiple birth rates according to maternal age in the city of São Paulo, Brazil: 2003–2014
E Otta, ES Fernandes, TG Acquaviva… - Twin Research and …, 2016 - cambridge.org
The present study investigates the twinning rates in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, during the
years 2003–2014. The data were drawn from the Brazilian Health Department database of …
years 2003–2014. The data were drawn from the Brazilian Health Department database of …
Mothers of twins had higher old-age survival than mothers of singletons in Estonian 19th-century birth cohorts
STUDY QUESTION Do the mothers of twins and singletons differ regarding post-partum and
old-age mortality? SUMMARY ANSWER Twin deliveries were associated with higher post …
old-age mortality? SUMMARY ANSWER Twin deliveries were associated with higher post …
Familie und Gesundheit: Ein methodenkritischer Blick auf die aktuelle Forschung
O Arránz Becker, K Loter, S Becker - Handbuch Gesundheitssoziologie, 2020 - Springer
Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über die Auswirkungen
verschiedener Familienbildungsprozesse wie Geburt, Heirat, Scheidung und Verwitwung …
verschiedener Familienbildungsprozesse wie Geburt, Heirat, Scheidung und Verwitwung …
History of multifetal gestation and long‐term maternal mortality
SD Mitro, R Sundaram, Y Qiao… - Paediatric and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Background Multifetal gestation could be associated with higher long‐term maternal
mortality because it increases the risk of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia …
mortality because it increases the risk of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia …