Phonon-engineered extreme thermal conductivity materials

X Qian, J Zhou, G Chen - Nature Materials, 2021‏ -
Materials with ultrahigh or low thermal conductivity are desirable for many technological
applications, such as thermal management of electronic and photonic devices, heat …

Insights into low thermal conductivity in inorganic materials for thermoelectrics

T Ghosh, M Dutta, D Sarkar… - Journal of the American …, 2022‏ - ACS Publications
Efficient manipulation of thermal conductivity and fundamental understanding of the
microscopic mechanisms of phonon scattering in crystalline solids are crucial to achieve …

Enhanced atomic ordering leads to high thermoelectric performance in AgSbTe2

S Roychowdhury, T Ghosh, R Arora, M Samanta, L ** of Bi and In
S Perumal, M Samanta, T Ghosh, US Shenoy… - Joule, 2019‏ -
GeTe and its derivatives have recently attracted wide attention as promising thermoelectric
materials. The principle challenge in optimizing the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, is the …