The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications
This paper represents the result of the IAEG C35 Commission “Monitoring methods and
approaches in engineering geology applications” workgroup aimed to describe a general …
approaches in engineering geology applications” workgroup aimed to describe a general …
Remote sensing-based 3d assessment of landslides: A review of the data, methods, and applications
H Albanwan, R Qin, JK Liu - Remote Sensing, 2024 - mdpi.com
Remote sensing (RS) techniques are essential for studying hazardous landslide events
because they capture information and monitor sites at scale. They enable analyzing causes …
because they capture information and monitor sites at scale. They enable analyzing causes …
The use of UAVs for landslide disaster risk research and disaster risk management: a literature review
On a global scale, from 2005 to 2019, there were 275 high-magnitude, low-frequency
disasters that involved 14,172 fatalities and four million affected people. Similar patterns …
disasters that involved 14,172 fatalities and four million affected people. Similar patterns …
Landslide recognition by deep convolutional neural network and change detection
It is a technological challenge to recognize landslides from remotely sensed (RS) images
automatically and at high speeds, which is fundamentally important for preventing and …
automatically and at high speeds, which is fundamentally important for preventing and …
The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) for natural hazards monitoring and management
The number of scientific studies that consider possible applications of remotely piloted
aircraft systems (RPASs) for the management of natural hazards effects and the …
aircraft systems (RPASs) for the management of natural hazards effects and the …
Landslide susceptibility assessment based on an incomplete landslide inventory in the Jilong Valley, Tibet, Chinese Himalayas
The Himalayan range is one of the most tectonically active mountain ranges on Earth. The
Jilong Valley is a deeply-dissected canyon in the Chinese Himalayas in Tibet, and in this …
Jilong Valley is a deeply-dissected canyon in the Chinese Himalayas in Tibet, and in this …
ShapeFormer: a shape-enhanced vision transformer model for optical remote sensing image landslide detection
P Lv, L Ma, Q Li, F Du - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Landslides pose a serious threat to human life, safety, and natural resources. Remote
sensing images can be used to effectively monitor landslides at a large scale, which is of …
sensing images can be used to effectively monitor landslides at a large scale, which is of …
[HTML][HTML] Sentinel-1 SAR amplitude imagery for rapid landslide detection
Despite landslides impact the society worldwide every day, landslide information is
inhomogeneous and lacking. When landslides occur in remote areas or where the …
inhomogeneous and lacking. When landslides occur in remote areas or where the …
Regional susceptibility assessments with heterogeneous landslide information: Slope unit-vs. pixel-based approach
Regional landslide inventories are often prepared by several different experts, using a
variety of data sources. This can result in a combination of polygon and point landslide data …
variety of data sources. This can result in a combination of polygon and point landslide data …
[HTML][HTML] UAV and airborne LiDAR data for interpreting kinematic evolution of landslide movements: The case study of the Montescaglioso landslide (Southern Italy)
Airborne remote sensing systems are increasingly used in engineering geology and
geomorphology for studying and monitoring natural hazardous scenarios and events. In this …
geomorphology for studying and monitoring natural hazardous scenarios and events. In this …