Development of a building information modeling-parametric workflow based renovation strategy for an exemplary apartment building in Seoul, Korea
FM Amoruso, U Dietrich, T Schuetze - Sustainability, 2018 - mdpi.com
Apartments in South Korea have high maintenance costs and an average lifetime of 25
years due to poor construction qualities. The common apartment redevelopment strategy is …
years due to poor construction qualities. The common apartment redevelopment strategy is …
Analysis of building energy savings potential for metal panel curtain wall building by reducing thermal bridges at joints between panels
To achieve national greenhouse gas reduction in the building sector, heating and cooling
energy in buildings should be reduced. The government has strengthened regulations on …
energy in buildings should be reduced. The government has strengthened regulations on …
A Study on the optimized Performance Designing of the Window of the Apartment based on the Annual Energy Demand Analysis according to the Azimuth Angle …
J Lee - Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning …, 2019 - koreascience.kr
It is important to design windows in a reasonable way considering the performance
characteristics of the elements of the window rather than just to increase the thermal energy …
characteristics of the elements of the window rather than just to increase the thermal energy …
정상상태 3 차원 열전달해석 프로그램을 활용한 복도식 공동주택의 단열 및 복도공간 개선에 따른 열손실량 분석
이도형, 원종연, 변수영 - 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집, 2020 - dbpia.co.kr
As of 2019, the amount of energy used in apartments accounts for the largest portion of
residential buildings, accounting for 59 percent. Due to the desperate need for energy …
residential buildings, accounting for 59 percent. Due to the desperate need for energy …
창호에 SHGC 를 반영한 공동주택의 방위각별 에너지 효율성 평가를 통한 합리적인 창호 계획 방안 연구
이장범 - 대한건축학회 논문집-계획계, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
It is important to design windows in a reasonable way considering the performance
characteristics of the elements of the window rather than just to increase the thermal energy …
characteristics of the elements of the window rather than just to increase the thermal energy …
다차원 전열해석을 통한 공정간소형 외단열 공법의 열성능 개선효과에 관한 연구
이상헌, 최지혜, 백호 - 대한건축학회 논문집-계획계, 2016 - dbpia.co.kr
The aim of this study is the evaluation on effectiveness of the thermal performance
improvement for concurrent EIFS. The result of this study as follows: 1) Concurrent EIFS was …
improvement for concurrent EIFS. The result of this study as follows: 1) Concurrent EIFS was …
Effectiveness of the Thermal Performance Improvement for Concurrent EIFS through Multi-dimensional Heat Transfer Analysis
SH Lee, JH Choi, H Baik - Journal of the Architectural Institute of …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
The aim of this study is the evaluation on effectiveness of the thermal performance
improvement for concurrent EIFS. The result of this study as follows: 1) Concurrent EIFS was …
improvement for concurrent EIFS. The result of this study as follows: 1) Concurrent EIFS was …
[CITARE][C] Analysis of Heat Losses by Improvement of Insulation and Hallway Space in a Hallway Type Multi-Unit Dwelling Using a Steady-State Three-Dimensional …
DH Lee, JY Won, SY Byun - Journal of …, 2020 - Korean Institute Of Architectural …