Northern Hemisphere winter atmospheric teleconnections are intensified by extratropical ocean-atmosphere coupling
The role of extratropical atmosphere-ocean coupling in generating and maintaining large-
scale atmospheric low-frequency variability remains an open question owing to vigorous …
scale atmospheric low-frequency variability remains an open question owing to vigorous …
Circulation ty** with fuzzy rotated T-mode principal component analysis: Methodological considerations
Circulation ty** using rotated T-mode decomposition (ie, variable is time series and
observation is grid points) principal component analysis (PCA) requires up to four important …
observation is grid points) principal component analysis (PCA) requires up to four important …
Seesawing of winter temperature extremes between East Asia and North America
In recent winters, there have been repeated observations of extreme warm and cold spells in
the midlatitude countries. This has evoked questions regarding how winter temperature …
the midlatitude countries. This has evoked questions regarding how winter temperature …
A mesoscale ocean–atmosphere coupled pathway for decadal variability of the Kuroshio extension system
Abstract The Kuroshio Extension (KE) system has been observed to experience a decadal
cycle between dynamically stable and unstable states. However, divergent conclusions on …
cycle between dynamically stable and unstable states. However, divergent conclusions on …
Asymmetric impacts of El Niño and La Niña on the Pacific–south America teleconnection pattern
Abstract El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a huge influence on Antarctic climate
variability via Rossby wave trains. In this study, the asymmetry of the ENSO teleconnection …
variability via Rossby wave trains. In this study, the asymmetry of the ENSO teleconnection …
Impact of the Scandinavian pattern on long-lived cold surges over the South China Sea
B Pang, R Lu, R Ren - Journal of Climate, 2022 - journals.ametsoc.org
This study investigates the influence of the Scandinavian (SCA) pattern on long-lived cold
surges over the South China Sea (SCS). The results show that, different from the short-lived …
surges over the South China Sea (SCS). The results show that, different from the short-lived …
Revealing the formation of the dipole mode of Eurasian snow cover variability during late autumn
A zonal dipole pattern of the interannual variability of Eurasian snow cover during late
autumn has attracted growing interest due to its extensive influences on large‐scale …
autumn has attracted growing interest due to its extensive influences on large‐scale …
Statistical Seasonal Forecasting of Winter and Spring PM2.5 Concentrations Over the Korean Peninsula
Concentrations of fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2. 5) over the
Korean Peninsula experience year-to-year variations due to interannual variation in climate …
Korean Peninsula experience year-to-year variations due to interannual variation in climate …
The Leading Modes of Northern Eurasian Winter Snowfall Variability and the Potential Influencing Factors
This study investigates the dominant modes of the interannual variability of the northern
Eurasian winter snowfall during 1982–2020 and explores their potential influencing factors …
Eurasian winter snowfall during 1982–2020 and explores their potential influencing factors …
Interdecadal variations of the scandinavian pattern
This study investigates the interdecadal variation of the Scandinavian (SCA) pattern and
corresponding drivers during the boreal winter. It is found that the SCA pattern experiences …
corresponding drivers during the boreal winter. It is found that the SCA pattern experiences …