System and method of merging text analysis results

K Pfeifer, E Peukert - US Patent 9,047,347, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method of merging text analysis results. The system uses a
set of three corrected, weakened Jaccard factors to determine whether the respective results …

Automatic combination and map** of text-mining services

K Seidler, E Peukert - US Patent 8,880,440, 2014 - Google Patents
Embodiments of systems and methods for automatic combi nation of text mining services,
may comprise an instance generation component and an auto-map** component. From …

Service-oriented information extraction

K Seidler, A Schil - Proceedings of the 2011 Joint EDBT/ICDT Ph. D …, 2011 -
The growth of unstructured data being available in the Internet, private and enterprise file
shares demands flexible and generic solutions to extract the included information. Current …

基于 Web 服务的异构数据源统一检索研究

吴泽彬, 魏洁, **蔚清, 吴慧中 - 计算机集成制造系统, 2007 -
为使统一检索能够适应当前Internet 和异构数据源的不断发展, 基于目前流行的Web 服务技术,
设计了一个异构数据源统一检索框架, 并针对检索服务分发和结果融合提出了检索服务统一模型 …

Study on service-oriented framework of information integration of safety and security for high-speed railway

Z Zhenhai, W **aoming… - … Conference on Information …, 2010 -
In order to improve information transparency, the technology of safety and security for high-
speed railway based on integrated information needs to be researched and developed. After …

[PDF][PDF] Web part ve ajax teknolojileri ile kişiselleştirilebilir portal uygulaması

ŞEN Şehra, Ö Ata - 2008 -
Geliştirilmekte olan projenin amacı ASP .NET 2.0 ve AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and
XML) teknolojileri kullanılarak verilerin kişiselleştirmeye izin verecek bağımsız birimler …

Extraction d'informations à partir du Web

B Habegger - 2004 -
Avec l'essor du Web, de nombreuses sources de données en ligne, telles que des
annuaires en ligne, des sites immobiliers, des sites de commerce électronique, des moteurs …

[PDF][PDF] Serviceorientiertes Text Mining am Beispiel von Entitätsextrahierenden Diensten

K Pfeifer - 2014 -
Der Großteil des geschäftsrelevanten Wissens liegt heute als unstrukturierte Information in
Form von Textdaten auf Internetseiten, in Office-Dokumenten oder Foreneinträgen vor. Zur …

[PDF][PDF] Semantic Description of Text Mining Services

K Pfeifer, A Schill - … on Advances in Information Mining and …, 2012 -
Today, a huge amount of crucial business knowledge is hidden in unstructured text sources,
such as word documents, web pages or forum entries. In order to exploit this knowledge text …

Use of a fast information extraction method as a decision support tool

M Sheikh, S Conlon - Journal of International …, 2010 -
Ad-hoc extraction of information from documents can ensure the transparency of decisions
made by an organization. Different Information Extraction methods have been applied to …